Public Info

Recycle Unwanted Electronic Equipment at Free E-cycling Event in New Providence, May 12

Union County, NJ – The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders is pleased to announce that a free recycling event for personal electronic equipment will be held on Saturday, May 12 in New Providence, at the Nokia campus located at 600 Mountain Avenue, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The free event is designed to help Union County residents clear their homes of rid of unwanted computers, printers, televisions and other electronic equipment in an environmentally sound manner.

“By sending our old or unwanted equipment to a reputable recycler, we can all help protect the Earth from harmful impacts related to metals and other substances in electronic systems,” said Freeholder Chairman Sergio Granados. “Our free recycling events give everyone a chance to practice the principle of ‘think globally, act locally.’”

When disposed improperly, televisions, computer monitors, and other electronic devices are sources of lead, mercury, cadmium and other harmful materials.

Any Union County resident may participate in the May 12 E-cycling event free of charge.

Televisions, computers, monitors, hard drives, modems, keyboards, printers, fax machines, DVD/VCR players, telephones, tablets and e-readers are among the permissible items.

Residents need to do is drive to the E-cycling site with their unwanted electronic equipment. Workers at the site will unload the equipment.

There is a limit of six electronic items per car. The collection will be held rain or shine, for Union County residents only and not for businesses. Proof of Union County residency is required and pre-registration is not required.

Refrigerators, washers and dryers, microwaves, and air conditioners are not accepted at the E-cycling event. Appliances and other household scrap metal, such as old bicycles, play sets and other equipment, may be brought to designated drop-off locations through Union County’s regular Scrap Metal Recycling Program.

Many municipalities also offer E-cycling and other recycling programs for residents. For more details, visit to find your local recycling coordinator.

The next free Union County E-cycling event will take place on Saturday, June 30 at the Union County Vocational-Technical Schools campus at 1776 Raritan Road in Scotch Plains. 

Union County’s recycling support the goals of Chairman Granados’s 2018 Plant a Seed initiative for engaging and empowering the public in conservation and environmental education. More information about the Plant a Seed initiative is available at

For more details about Union County’s E-cycling events and all other recycling programs call the Recycling Hotline at 908-654-9889 or visit the Bureau of Recycling and Planning online at

For quick links to all Union County environmental programs and activities visit The Green Connection,

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