Union County Employers can utilize this FAQ resource to connect with organizations advocating for qualified candidates with disabilities, to promote the creation of a more inclusive and diverse workforce.
How can our company begin fostering inclusivity?
The NJ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services Business Outreach Team supports businesses in boosting their success and promoting career opportunities for people with disabilities. Contact: njdvrsbot@dol.nj.gov for more information or visit NJ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
Where can employers find qualified applicants with disabilities?
Working with state and local service providers, such as NJ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Union County American Job Center, Project Hire, Project SEARCH, INROADS to OPPORTUNITIES and Community Access Unlimited, is key to helping you find candidates with disabilities with the skills, experiences and interests your organization needs.
Are there any tax incentives for hiring people with disabilities?
Yes. Information about these tax incentives can be found on the NJ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services website or by contacting njdvrsbot@dol.nj.gov for more information.
What are my obligations as an employer under Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and where can I get technical assistance and information about making workplace accommodations?
For expert guidance on Title I of the ADA, reach out to NJ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services at njdvrsbot@dol.nj.gov or visit DVRS Services for Employers. For further assistance, contact Northeast ADA Center at northeastada@cornell.edu or 1-800-949-4232, and Job Accommodation Network at JAN@AskJAN.org or 1-800-526-7234.
Are there financial assistance programs available for employees with disabilities to cover work-related expenses such as transportation, uniforms, and training?
Yes, for eligible participants. Both NJ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services and the Union County American Job Center offer financial assistance covering transportation, uniforms, training, and certifications for employees with disabilities. For more information contact njdvrsbot@dol.nj.gov or AJCBusinessTeam@ucnj.org .
The services highlighted in this FAQ are supported with funds from the United States Department of Labor through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. 100% of these services are financed through federal funding sources.