Winfield School

Union County Vice Chairwoman Kimberly Palmieri-Mouded attended a Kids Dig In garden tour at the Winfield middle school.

This garden received a garden enhancement check from the 2023 Kids Dig In Garden Grant Program, an annual project of the County Commissioner board.

Thank you to Mary Greeley and Miguel Angel for such a wonderful tour.

Linden Community Center

Jackie from Groundwork Elizabeth joined Gardener Keshon from the Linden Community Center for a fun day of planting!

One of the most popular plants in this garden are collard greens! Collard greens are the oldest leafy green in the cabbage family. It dates back 2000 years and it was originally grown by the ancient Greeks and Romans!

Springfield Free Public Library

Union County Vice Chairwoman Kimberly Palmieri-Mouded attended the Community Garden Grant Program at the Springfield Free Public Library alongside faculty and residents!

One of the most interesting fruits being grown at this garden is none other than a pumpkin!

Fun Fact: Pumpkins contain about 500 seeds and take between 90 to 120 days to reach maturity.

Roselle Park Community Garden

Members of the Roselle Community Garden alongside Council President Joseph Signorello Jr., First Ward Councilman Gregory Johnson, Fourth Ward Councilman Khanjan Patel, and Fifth Ward Councilman Jay Robaina have welcomed a variety of different plants to their borough!

One of those plants were none other than collards. Did you know that collards are an excellent source of vitamin? Collards provide us with vitamin K, vitamin A, manganese, vitamin C, calcium, vitamin E, vitamin B6, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Winfield School No. 2

With the help from Groundwork Elizabeth, students from Winfield Scott School No. 2 in Elizabeth planted cherry tomatoes and basil in their very own Earth Box Gardens!

Did you know Basil can help lower blood pressure and help alleviate anxiety? With fresh basil you can also add freshness to pastas, pizza, and just about anything!

Roselle Park High School

Hop on over and see what is going on in Roselle Park High School’s Earth Box Garden!

We were joined by none other than Roselle Park High School’s very own garden club with special guests…bunnies!

Did you know that a rabbit’s teeth never stop growing? They’re worn down as the rabbit chews on grass, flowers and vegetables. They can also jump a little over 3 feet high and 10 feet long!

With the help of Nicole Honrath and the garden club, the borough of Roselle Park has welcomed a variety of different vegetables and plants for their community; such as tomatoes, basil, and squash.