Robert Gordon Elementary

End of Season Update:

While the garden season is coming to a close, we still have bell peppers, swiss chard and sweet peppers growing beautifully! Our melons and tomatoes had a great season, and we can’t wait to plant them again next season!

Roselle Park Middle School

End of Veggie Season

Here are the final pictures of our vegetables. We still have flowers, but the cold is upon us.

Roselle Park Environmental Commission

Chair, Environmental Commission:

The Roselle Park Community Garden is having another successful growing season! From cucumbers to berries, peppers to eggplants, we’ve been able to distribute well over 100lbs of fresh organic produce to residents. And our rented plots continue to reflect the enthusiasm and creativity of our Borough!

Roselle Park Community Garden

Roselle Park Community Garden members have invited us for a tour of their garden!

Did you know that Roselle Park has one of the biggest gardens in Union County?

This is only possible with the help of all its members, who rent out beds to grow a variety of different crops.

We can’t wait to continue to see its growth!

Roselle Park Middle School

Not only does Roselle Park Middle School have a beautiful garden, they also have incorporated a sensory garden!

A sensory garden is all about stimulating and engaging the five senses: sight, smell, sound, touch, and taste. One way in which this garden does this is by growing lavender.

Lavender has been around for over 2,500 years and is a common ingredient in topical applications and oils for aromatherapy.

Roselle Park Middle School

Union County Vice Chairwoman Kimberly Palmieri-Mouded joined Roselle Park Mayor Joseph Signorello III, Councilman Jay Robaina, and Superintendent Pedro Garrido at Roselle Park Middle School for a Kids Dig in Planting – another great example of our Plant a Seed Grant Program bearing fruit (pun 100% intended) in the Union County community.

Sherman Elementary School

Sherman Elementary school has given us a tour of their “Humble & Kind” Garden!

One of the distinguishing aspects of this garden is their introduction of their recycled hanging fence planters.

Not only are there aesthetically pleasing, but they are also a great way to make more room for plants when space is constricted.

Thank you for having us!

Roselle Park Middle School

Our garden is in full swing!

Sherman Elementary School – Roselle Park

Students planted and mulched our garden. We’ve harvested lettuce, basil, garlic scapes, snow peas, and Swiss chard.

Robert Gordon Elementary

Robert Gordon Elementary school has incorporated a Garden Mesh Netting for their plants to keep away the bugs and unwanted creatures. What a great idea! Using plant nets is a great way to keep plants safe from harsh weather conditions and provide frost protection. Using these nets helps you ensure that there are enough water and sunlight reaching the plant.

Thank you to all the staff and students involved in this garden.