Westlake School

The sunflower is now 11 ft tall!  We harvested more peppers and tomatoes.  The first fig from our tree that Groundworks Elizabeth and Mr. Evangelista helped us plant! 

Franklin School

Donation to Food Pantry

This is our second donation to the Westfield Food Pantry on August 15th. We are donating peppers, eggplants and basil. Thank you!

Franklin School

Franklin School invited us for a tour of their garden!

One of the most interesting plants in this garden, which is not common, is none other than lamb’s ear.

Lamb’s ear is a native plant to Turkey, Armenia, and Iran. The soft, fuzzy leaves were an excellent addition to the children’s sensory garden.

Westlake School

Staff and students at Westlake School have welcomed us to their outdoor classroom in which they are growing a variety of plants and fruits!

One of those is a fig tree! 

We can’t wait to see this tree at its full bloom!

Crossroads Garden Tour-Westfield

Commissioner Bette Jane Kowalski visited Crossroads School in Westfield for a Kids Dig in Garden Tour!

One of the most interesting plants in this garden are none other than marigolds!

Fun Fact: Marigolds have religious significance in Mexican, Spanish, and Indian cultures, where they are used to decorate altars and in celebrations.

Thank you to all of the staff and students who keep this garden looking amazing.

McKinley School

Students at McKinley School have started growing their very own pollinator garden!

Why are pollinator gardens important? Well, they provide pollinators with the necessary tools to help in the growth of crops.

Fun Fact: About 75% of all flowering plants rely on animal pollinators and over 200,000 species of animals act as pollinators. Some of these pollinators include hummingbirds, bats, beetles, bees, ants, wasps, butterflies, and moths.

Crossroads School

Union County Vice Chairwoman Kimberly Palmieri-Mouded joined faculty from Crossroads School in Westfield to kickoff their summer planting season!

Fun Fact: Crossroads School is an innovative school that educates students between the ages f 3-14 and is committed to helping students reach their fullest potential through rigorous instruction, community-based field experience, and collaborative approach. Some of the services Crossroads School provides students with include occupational Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology, Behavior Analytic Services, Special Educators, and Social-Emotional Learning coaches.

Jefferson Elementary School

Union County Vice Chairwoman Kimberly Palmieri-Mouded visited Jefferson Elementary School in Westfield for another Kids Dig in Planting Event.

Special thanks to Mrs. Halloran and her 3rd Grade Class for participating today!