Public Info

Union County 4-H Seeks Volunteers for Summer Science Program

Summer science students get a lesson in physics by building a bridge from straws (photo credit: Union County)

Union County – Science and Agricultural Education Majors are being sought by the Rutger’s Cooperative Extension of Union County as volunteers to lead summer science day camps in Plainfield, Rahway and Elizabeth. The day camps run through the months of June, July and August, and provide science activities that are both educational and entertaining.

“By making science fun and engaging, the summer enrichment program gets kids excited about learning through unique hands-on experiences,” said Freeholder Board Chairman Alexander Mirabella.

Recent Union County 4-H Summer Science activities have included the physics of toys, earthquake-proof buildings made of toothpicks, and constructing boats to learn about flotation.   The program is intended for children in first grade and older.

Training will be provided for volunteers, and those donating at least 300 hours from June 1 to September 1 will be compensated with a $2000 stipend and a $1175 education credit. To apply, or for additional information contact 4-H agent James Nichnadowicz at 908-654-9854 or via email at



For more information on any Union County press release, please contact Sebastian D’Elia, Communications Director for the County of Union, or a designee listed at the top of this press release. Please join the County of Union online at, on Facebook at, and on Twitter at


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