Public Info

Meet Union County’s 4-H Environmental Heroes

Union County, NJ – The Union County 4-H STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Club earned an Environmental Heroes award earlier this month at the annual Wild Earth Festival at Watchung Reservation in Mountainside, for their Earth Day clean-up activities and tree planting efforts. Pictured with Freeholder Vernell Wright (far l) after accepting their award are (l-r) Asa Coleman of Westfield, Sandeep Mukherjee of Scotch Plains, James Brodowski of Cranford, Joseph Touris of Scotch Plains, Joseph Marta of Scotch Plains, Brian Noonan of Fanwood, Cassie Hansen of Rahway, and club leader TJ Marta of Scotch Plains (not in photo: Nathan Lam, Marcelina Krowinska and Eric Elizes all of Westfield, Dylan Kiell of Fanwood and 4-H club co-leader Melissa Stryker of Scotch Plains). 4-H is a program of the Rutgers Cooperative Extension, supported in part by the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders. Information: contact James Nichnadowicz, 908-654-9854 or