Ruth Canstein Yablonsky

 Teacher & Naturalist


For almost three decades, Ruth has been teaching children about the natural world. both at the science center and in visits to elementary schools. She is a teacher’s teacher, always encouraging children.

In recognition of her achievements, Yablonsky was awarded the Alliance for New Jersey Environmental Education’s Patricia R. Kane Lifetime Achievement Award in 2009 for excellence for environmental education.

Yablonsky grew up in The Bronx, went to Hunter College and then to the University of Michigan, where she earned her Master’s Degree in geology. In 1985, Yablonsky came to Trailside Nature & Science Center.

Naming the trail after her is the perfect honor, for as she said in an interview two years ago:

"My passion is geology. If you have an understanding of the basics of geology, anywhere in the world you go you have an understanding of why things are the way they are."