Outside Nest
Inside Nest
The fastest creature on Earth
Welcome to the Union County Falcon Cam.
A live stream of the peregrine falcon nest located on the roof
of the Union County Courthouse in midtown Elizabeth.
Welcome message from Union County Commissioner Chairwoman Kimberly Palmieri-Mouded
Welcome to the Union County Falcon Cam, providing a live stream of the action in and around the peregrine falcon nest located on the roof of the County Courthouse in midtown Elizabeth.
The Falcon Cam is a wonderful opportunity to observe and study one of nature’s most fierce and fascinating creatures. It provides an enriching experience for County residents of all ages, and for online visitors from all over the world.
Peregrine falcons are listed as an endangered species in New Jersey, and Union County has been part of ongoing efforts to ensure the survival of these remarkable birds statewide.
The live feed will help build an appreciation for the role that we can all play in preserving our natural heritage, both in our parks and in the urban environment.
Peregrine falcons are the fastest creatures on Earth. They are known for their rapid dives, which can approach an astounding 200 miles an hour as they move in on their prey.
Union County’s falcon preservation efforts have been undertaken with the generous assistance of wildlife experts from New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the nonprofit Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey.
The Conserve Wildlife Foundation is Union County’s official partner for educational programming related to falcons and the Falcon Cam. For more details about the educational initiative and information on corporate sponsorships, call the Conserve Wildlife Foundation at 609-984-6012 or use the contact form,