Tax Incentives

The information below is from the NJ Motion Picture & Television Commission

30-35% Tax Credit, +2% or 4% Diversity Bonus

The New Jersey Film & Digital Media Tax Credit Program provides a transferable credit against the corporation business tax and the gross income tax for certain expenses incurred for the production of certain films and digital media content in New Jersey.

The goal of the program is to incentivize production companies to film and create digital media content in New Jersey.

30-35% Tax Credit, +2% or 4% Diversity Bonus

New Jersey, in an effort to create a more inclusive workforce, offers an additional incentive (2% or 4%) to productions that meet certain diversity criteria. Developed to align with wider industry initiatives, the Diversity Bonus aims to increase diversity onscreen (the actors involved, the content of stories) and behind the cameras (the composition of the crews, the diversity of companies involved in production). This initiative helps to ensure that opportunities are available to qualified New Jersey residents of all backgrounds.

For more information on the Diversity Bonus visit the New Jersey Economic Development Authority’s website (taking special note of the Diversity tab)


Contact the New Jersey Motion Picture & Television Commission or the New Jersey Economic Development Authority at at 973-648-6279.