PISC Vera Verde

Our community at the PISC Vera Garden has come together to prepare for Spring! Not only is our compost set, but we also have lettuce coming up!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Sherman Elementary School

November & December Sweet Potatoes

The warm weather we had in November allowed us to keep our sweet potatoes in their grow bag for longer than we originally planned. The largest purple sweet potato we grew weighed a whopping 3.6 pounds!

Scotch Plains – Fanwood YMCA

As the days get shorter, we see the end of our vegetables, but our flowers are as vibrant as ever! It’s time to prepare for winter! Thank you, Union County, for your help. It was a very good year!

Robert Gordon Elementary

End of Season Update:

While the garden season is coming to a close, we still have bell peppers, swiss chard and sweet peppers growing beautifully! Our melons and tomatoes had a great season, and we can’t wait to plant them again next season!

Battle Hill Elementary

Preparing the Garden for Winter

The students used the left over bales of hay and corn stalks from our pumpkin patch to prepare the beds for winter. They covered the beds with the hay. We also put up our new garden sign.

Cook Elementary School

Cook School’s Inaugural Garden Year!

Garden progress June-October 2024

PISC Garden

Students visited the beautiful PISC garden where they learned about all the different plants that are currently being grown!

Roselle Park Middle School

End of Veggie Season

Here are the final pictures of our vegetables. We still have flowers, but the cold is upon us.

Jewish Family Services

Pumpkin Spice

Baby pumpkins, Banana pepper transition, and fresh herbs at the food pantry.

Westlake School

The sunflower is now 11 ft tall!  We harvested more peppers and tomatoes.  The first fig from our tree that Groundworks Elizabeth and Mr. Evangelista helped us plant!