Utility Assistance

Utility assistance programs are initiatives designed to help individuals and families manage the costs of essential utilities such as electricity, gas, water, and heating.

If you are in need of assistance, please click the button below to learn more about the programs and services available to Union County Residents.

Utility Assistance Programs: Ensuring Access and Affordability

Utility assistance programs are initiatives designed to help individuals and families manage the costs of essential utilities such as electricity, gas, water, and heating.

These programs aim to provide financial relief to low-income households, seniors, and those facing economic hardship. Typically administered by government agencies or non-profit organizations, utility assistance programs offer various forms of aid, including direct financial assistance, subsidies, and energy-efficient upgrades.

The primary goal is to ensure that vulnerable populations can access and afford essential services, thereby reducing the risk of utility shutoffs and helping them maintain a reasonable standard of living. These programs play a crucial role in addressing energy poverty and promoting social equity by ensuring that everyone has access to vital utilities.

Programs Available


Low Income Heating and Energy Assistance Program is a utility assistance program to help low income households pay for heating costs and cooling expenses.

Applicants can qualify even if their heating and cooling costs are included in their rent.

Lifeline Program

Lifeline is a utility assistance program to help low-income individuals 65 or older or receiving Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income.

This includes utility customers as well as tenants whose utility bills are included in their rent.

Weatherization Assistance

The Weatherization Assistance Program provides free energy conservation improvements to reduce residential heat loss and energy consumption.

The LIHEAP application is also an application this program

Winter Termination Program

Winter Termination Program protects customers from having their gas or electric shut off between November 15 and March 15 of each year.

Those enrolled in certain other programs (SSI, TANF, USF, and Lifeline) are protected.

USF – Fresh Start

Fresh Start is a partnership between the customer and USF to forgive past due balances and improve your payment record.

If you have a balance of $60 or more on your energy bill as a USF customer, you may be eligible.

PAGE Program

This annual program can provide assistance up to $1500/year in benefits to low-to-moderate income residents who are struggling to pay their electric and natural gas bills. Eligible recipients cannot be receiving or be eligible for Universal Service Fund (USF) or LIHEAP

Comfort Partners Program

Comfort Partners Program provides installation of free energy efficiency measures, personalized customer energy education and counseling for income eligible households.

Life Sustaining Equipment

If you (or a member of your household) rely on electricity to operate life-sustaining equipment, such as a respirator or dialysis machine, it is important that you notify your utility company.


If you need additional assistance or have questions about any of these programs, please call 908-527-4870.