Office for Persons with Disabilities & Special Needs

The Office for Persons with Disabilities & Special Needs offers a range of social and recreational opportunities to help individuals with disabilities connect with others and engage in meaningful activities.


The Union County Office for Persons with Disabilities & Special Needs (OPDSN) is a valuable resource for individuals of all abilities and ages in the local community. The office offers a range of social and recreational opportunities to help individuals with disabilities connect with others and engage in meaningful activities.

From elementary school children to senior adults, the office provides inclusive programming that caters to the unique needs and interests of each individual. In addition to these activities, the office offers information and referral services to connect individuals and families with community resources such as rental and utility assistance, entitlements, accessibility issues, and transition services. The office is committed to promoting inclusivity, accessibility, and independence for individuals with disabilities, and to helping them achieve their full potential in all aspects of life.

OPDSN’s main goal is to advocate for persons with disabilities of all ages, as well as ensure inclusion and accessibility in all aspects of community life.


Diana Calle


Phone: (908) 527-4807


Upcoming Special Events and Programs

Inclusive Yoga
For individuals aged 15 and up

Register online

Rahway Recreation Center
275 E Milton Ave, Rahway, NJ 07065

Tuesday, February 4th and 11th 7:00pm – 7:45pm

Fun Fit for Kids (New Class)
For individuals ages 10 and under

Register online

Warinanco Sport Center
1 Park Dr, Roselle, NJ 07203

About this class

Children will have fun while dancing, and exercising to upbeat music!

Through yoga stretches and cool downs, they’ll build confidence, body awareness, and self-esteem.

It’s all about music, fitness, and positivity for a healthy mind and body!

Inclusive Zumba
For individuals ages 15 and up

Register online

Warinanco Sport Center
1 Park Dr, Roselle, NJ 07203

Thursdays, February 13th, 20th and 27th
6:15 pm-7pm

Inclusive Ceramics
For individuals ages 16 and up

Register online

Gregorio Center
330 Helen St, Linden NJ 07036

Tuesdays, February 18th and 25th
7:00 pm – 8pm

How We Help

A large group of people at an event in a park

Social & Recreational Programs

Throughout the year, OPDSN offers a variety of social and recreational programs and activities for those living with disabilities & special needs in Union County. To learn more about the programs and to sign up, please visit:

For more information, please contact Eva Altidor, Program Coordinator at 908-527-4781 or

An image of two women through a window. One woman looking stressed while another talking while she writes

Personal Assistance Service Program (PASP)

The PASP helps program participants pursue vocational goals and live independently. The PASP can assist people with disabilities who are working, going to college, attending a vocational training program or involved in volunteer activities (minimum of 20 volunteer hours per month). To be eligible, PASP applicants must have a permanent physical disability, be age 18 and older, be capable of self-direction, able to supervise a personal assistant and live in a community-based residence in New Jersey.

For more information, please contact Diane Granada, PASP Coordinator at 908-527-4845 or

An image of a person typing at a desk

Information & Referral Service

OPDSN provides information and referral resources to those living in Union County on issues such as housing, entitlements, transition services, and employment resources. Please see the list below of County, State, and Federal resources.

For more information, please contact Leighton Heisey, Advisory Board/Information & Referral: 908-527-4840 or

Disabilities Advisory Board

5:00 PM via Zoom & 5:30 PM in Person

  • March 13 – (Virtual Meeting via Zoom)
  • May 8 – (In-person)
  • June 12 – (In-person)
  • September 11 – (In-person)
  • October 09 – (Virtual Meeting via Zoom)
  • December 11 – (Virtual Meeting via Zoom)

Please note that all meetings of the Disabilities Advisory Board are scheduled for the second Thursday of the month.

Additional meetings, as needed, may be scheduled to address pressing business that may occur between regular scheduled meetings. Meeting on March, October and December will be held virtually, while meetings in May, June and September meeting which will be in person.

Become a Member of the Union County Disabilities Advisory Board – A Unique Opportunity to Make a Meaningful Contribution to the Disability Community

Becoming a member of the Union County Disabilities Advisory Board (DAB) provides a unique opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the disability community in the local area. By joining the DAB, individuals have the chance to be a part of a team of dedicated advocates who are committed to improving the lives of those with disabilities. Members of the DAB have the opportunity to share their experiences, knowledge, and expertise on disability-related issues and to work collaboratively with other members to develop recommendations for the Union County Board of County Commissioners.

By becoming a member of the DAB, individuals have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities in the community, and to help promote greater inclusivity, accessibility, and equality for all. The DAB convenes regularly throughout the year to analyze and assess issues that impact the well-being of Union County residents with disabilities, and offer invaluable advice and guidance to the Union County Board of County Commissioners.

DAB meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of the month. Please note that DAB does not meet during the months of January, February, April, July, August, and November.

For any questions about the board or schedule, please contact Leighton Heisey, Advisory Board/Information & Referral: 908-527-4840 or

Become a Member of the Union County Advisory Board for the Disabled

A Unique Opportunity to Make a Meaningful Contribution to the Disability Community

Becoming a member of the Union County Advisory Board for the Disabled (ABD) provides a unique opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the disability community in the local area. By joining the ABD, individuals have the chance to be a part of a team of dedicated advocates who are committed to improving the lives of those with disabilities. Members of the ABD have the opportunity to share their experiences, knowledge, and expertise on disability-related issues and to work collaboratively with other members to develop recommendations for the Union County Board of County Commissioners.

By becoming a member of the ABD, individuals have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities in the community, and to help promote greater inclusivity, accessibility, and equality for all.

The ABD convenes regularly throughout the year to analyze and assess issues that impact the well-being of Union County residents with disabilities, and offer invaluable advice and guidance to the Union County Board of County Commissioners.

ABD meetings are on the 4th Wednesday of every alternate month at 5:30pm, starting in March. Please note that ABD does not meet during the months of January, February, April, July, August, and November.

For any questions about the board or schedule, please contact Leighton Heisey, Advisory Board/Information & Referral: (908) 527-4840 or