Mission Statement
The Union County Board of County Commissioners is proud to provide safe, affordable, and reliable transportation. We are dedicated to the improvement of quality of life of our seniors, persons with disabilities, and the economically disadvantaged residents of Union County. We serve the community in promoting accessible transportation solutions to encourage the independence of this population.
To ensure this commitment to quality, our staff includes a team of well-trained professionals who are dedicated to your needs. Union County looks forward to provide you with excellent service!
The Division of Paratransit provides transportation services for individual passengers for the following trips:
- Route 22 Shuttle Bus
- Medical
- Shopping
- Employment
- Education or Training
- Prescription pick-ups
- Other Essential Services

All reservations are limited to availability on a first come first served basis and transportation will be provided with limited passengers on each vehicle.
All Reservations may be taken up to three (3) weeks in advance.
Call 908-241-8300 (Option 1) to make your reservation and schedule your trip.
Please Note – As a result of a court order, effective immediately and as of April 18, 2022, CDC’s January 29, 2021 Order requiring masks on public transportation conveyances and at transportation hubs is no longer in effect. The CDC continues to recommend that people wear masks in indoor public transportation settings at this time. Face masks are not required; passengers may wear a mask based on personal preference
What is Paratransit
The Union County Paratransit System is a curb-to-curb transportation service specializing in transportation for seniors (age 60+), persons with disabilities (18 years and older) and/or economically disadvantaged residents of Union County.
Paratransit will provide non–emergency transportation for the purposes of:
- Medical
- Mental Health
- Nutrition
- Shopping
- Recreation
- Employment
- Education
- Bus & Rail Service
Out of county medical trips are provided Monday & Wednesday only.
Union County is required to provide services within a five (5) mile radius of the county borders. These requests are considered an in-county trip and will be scheduled as such.
Paratransit is a shared ride service, your travel time will be similar to travel time on a bus or rail line. You may not go directly to your destination because other riders need to be picked up or dropped off first.
All reservations are limited to availability on a first come first served basis and transportation will be provided with limited passengers on each vehicle.
All Reservations may be taken up to three (3) weeks in advance.
Call 908-241-8300 (Option 1) to make your reservation and schedule your trip.
Days and Hours of Operation
- Paratransit Operates Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
- Limited hours available on Saturday.
- No Service is provided on Sunday and observed holidays (below).
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- President’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Day after Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
$3 per one-way trip
In the event that you cannot afford the fare, waivers based on the passengers income are possible. All information is confidential.
Billing will be done each month following the month of service.
You will be asked to make your payment by check or money order ONLY payable to “Union County Paratransit System.”
Paratransit Differs From…
- Medical Transportation: We are different from medical transportation service, which provides specialized transportation with medically trained professionals. If a customer’s medical condition prevents them from independently navigating transit systems, we strongly recommend that a Personal Care Attendant (PCA) accompany the client. If you are in need of emergency transportation, call 911 for assistance .
- Access Link: We are different from Access Link which offers rides to persons with disabilities only and requires the client to go through a certification process. Access Link is comparable to the NJ TRANSIT local fixed route bus system. Union County Paratransit offers rides to all qualified Union County residents with destinations based on the client’s needs.
- Private Ride Services, Taxi, Uber or Lyft: We are different from private ride services because Paratransit trips must be reserved at least five days in advance and rides may be shared with other riders. Private ride services tend to be more expensive; Union County Paratransit fares are a set price no matter distance.
- Bus Service: We are not the same as the bus, which has a fixed route and schedule. While riding the bus allows for more flexibility because you do not have to make a reservation in advance; Union County Paratransit works around the client’s needs including timing and destinations.
Schedule a Ride
Please review each section below before scheduling a ride.
Understanding Curbside Pick Ups
- Paratransit provides curb-to-curb service. This means that the driver cannot leave the vehicle to come to your door or enter your building.
- In most cases, our vehicles will not be able to enter private driveways, gated communities or gated apartment buildings.
- If you need help getting to the curb, please be prepared to rely on your personal care attendant, friend or relative.
- All clients requesting assistance beyond the curb should ask for it during the reservation process.
- Drivers will make their best effort to accommodate requests not made during reservations.
- Drivers must stay in visual contact of the vehicle at all times.
Understanding Pick Up Windows
- Paratransit has a thirty-minute reservation window.
- The reservationist will account for travel time to ensure you make it to your appointment.
- For example, if you request a ride for your 11:30 a.m. appointment and the reservationist calculated the travel time to be at least 30 minutes, the pickup window will be between 10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
- We advise passengers to be ready for pick up fifteen minutes prior to their window. The driver is instructed to blow the horn and wait five minutes before moving onto the next client.
- Please note your travel time will be similar to the travel time on a local bus or rail line.
- You probably will not go directly to your destination because other clients need to be picked up or dropped off first.
- In addition, factors such as road closures, construction, and traffic can influence your travel time.
Making Arrangements
- Be flexible with your appointment time.
- You may be asked to change your appointment time or date.
- Remember we are a shared ride service that is notable to meet the needs of all residents at all times. We appreciate your cooperation so that we may best accommodate your request. However, trips will be determined by availability.
- Try to make your appointments for the middle of the day when the system is least busy. Between 10 a.m and 2 p.m.
- Children traveling with an adult will be handled on an individual basis and approved by the Director of Paratransit before it is scheduled.
- If the child is required to use a car seat according to NJ State Law, the family is responsible for supplying the appropriate seat for the size of the child.
Rides with a Personal Care Attendants
- If a client’s medical condition prevents them from independently navigating the Paratransit system, we strongly recommend that a Personal Care Attendant accompany the customer.
- Personal Care Attendants do not have to pay a fare while accompanying a client.
Trip Reservations
You will be asked to provide the following information :
- Name
- Address
- Telephone Number
- Date of Birth
- If you are a Medicaid recipient
- Income Level (general not specific)
- Disability or Special Needs
- If you use a mobility assistance device such as a wheelchair, scooter, cane or walker.
- Race (information required by grant funding source)
- Voter Registration Opportunity (information required by grant funding source)
A passenger may bring portable medical oxygen on board the vehicle.
Pets are not allowed. A service animal may accompany a person with a disability upon request.
Transportation is available on a first-come-first serve basis. Five to seven days in advance notice for a scheduled trip is recommended. If schedule permits, some limited service may be available on shorter notice
Please do not call any earlier than three weeks prior to your desired trip.
You will be asked to provide the following information each time you request a trip:
- Every effort will be made to accommodate your request however; trips will be determined by availability.
- Date and Time of the appointment
- Address, City and Telephone Number of your Destination
- Doctor’s name, Clinic name, Company name, Telephone number, etc.
- Approximate Time of Return
Reservations can be made Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. by calling the scheduling office at 908-241-8300. First time callers should call between the hours of 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Reasonable Modification Requests
A reasonable modification is a modification to Paratransit policies, practices or procedures that is requested by an eligible customer to ensure they are able to use the paratransit system.
Please call reservations at 908-241-8300 and choose option 1 to request a Reasonable Modification.
Paratransit may deny requests for modifications where:
- Granting the request would fundamentally alter the nature of Paratransit services, programs, or activities.
- Granting the request would create a direct threat to the health or safety of others.
- It is determined that the customer is able to fully use the entity’s services, programs, or activities for their intended purpose without the requested modification.
- Granting the request would cause an unreasonable financial or administrative burden.
Special Requests – Group Trips
Group and/or evening transportation arrangements must be made by calling the Administrative office at 908-659-5000. Please call for pricing for group evening trips.
Trip Cancellations
Cancellations cause unnecessary delays to the overall operation of the Paratransit System. If you have to cancel a trip, you must call as soon as possible before the scheduled pickup time. If you call after business hours, please leave your name, telephone number and scheduled trip information on the answering machine.
You will be charged the $3 fare for all trips you fail to cancel in advance.
Severe weather conditions may force cancellation of service. Please refer to the ucnj.org website or call 908-241-8300 for closure notifications.
Understanding Rider No Shows
When riders do not show up for their scheduled rides, valuable resources are wasted that could have helped other riders get to their destinations.
Three or more un-cancelled appointments (no-shows) within a 30-day period will result in the suspension of your transportation privileges for 14 days.
Veterans’ Transportation
Union County Paratransit provides transportation service for Union County Veterans to access the major, in- out-of-county VA medical clinics. Transportation is available to schedule on the following days:
- Monday & Wednesday to East Orange VA Medical Center
- Tuesday & Thursday to Lyons VA Medical Center
- • Daily to the Piscataway VA Clinic
Rider & Driver Responsibilities
Rider Responsibilities
- Be ready 15 minutes prior to scheduled pick-up time.
- Allow 15 minutes after your scheduled pickup time before calling the reservationists. If an aide is needed, it is the passenger’s responsibility to obtain one. Please notify intake when making a reservation
- Telephone the scheduling office if you will be late for a return.
- Passengers will be responsible for carrying all their packages into their homes.
- Reasonable accommodations will be provided upon request.
- Help from the driver – You are responsible for getting to, into and out of the vehicle.
- Drivers will offer assistance as you get on and off the vehicle and in using the vehicle securement devices.
- However they will not lift you or carry you nor will they accompany you to or from locations far away from the vehicle.
- If you need assistance we do not provide, please bring a personal care attendant or be sure to have someone available at the pick-up or drop-off location to help you.
Rider Code of Conduct
- Seatbelts & Seating: Every rider must wear a seatbelt. Removing or refusing to wear a seatbelt is not allowed. NO STANDING DURING TRANSIT, passengers must be seated.
- Eating, Drinking and Smoking: Unless medically necessary, no eating or drinking is allowed on vehicles. All vehicles have a No Smoking rule.
- Personal Hygiene: Riders must maintain an acceptable standard of cleanliness.
- Cellphone Usage : Speak softly when using a cellular phone as a courtesy to other passengers.
- Prohibited Serious Disruptive Conduct: There are actions that are never allowed.
- Examples of this conduct include, but are not limited, to the following:
- Behavior that interferes with the safe operation of the vehicle
- Abusive language or behavior | Harassment of riders, drivers, passengers
- Riding under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
- Riding with any weapons
- Any rider who physically assaults another person or demonstrates illegal or dangerous behavior may be subject to immediate suspension from services.
- An investigation will be initiated and the rider will have an opportunity to discuss issues before any final action is determined.
- All vehicles are equipped with cameras and vehicle occupants are subject to video and audio recording for the safety of all passengers.
- Examples of this conduct include, but are not limited, to the following:
Driver Responsibilities
- The Driver will blow the horn and wait 5 minutes before moving on to the next scheduled pick-up.
- Drivers are NOT permitted to accept tips or collect fares.
- Only passengers on the drivers scheduled list will be transported.
- Assistance is provided getting on and off the vehicle at the curb. Visually impaired passengers will be assisted door-to-door.
- Help will be provided with securing seat belts upon request. If you need a seatbelt extension, please ask for one. You can ask the driver for help if needed.
- Assistance is provided to a passenger using a mobility device to get on and off the vehicle from the curb and in securing the device on the vehicle. The Driver will offer positioning belts for customers using mobility devices, to ensure greater security during their trip.
- Help will be provided putting on and taking off, no more than two (grocery size) bags per passenger. You must be able to maintain control of your packages while riding. The driver may help you load and unload your bags and packages.
- Drivers are required to report all problems to the dispatcher and take directions from the dispatcher on resolving any issues.
Improving Access | Policies
Your feedback can help us identify specific service problems that may need our attention. If there is a problem, we encourage you to call our office at 908-659-5001 to file a complaint.
Our staff devotes many hours to investigating complaints and resolving them. There is no limit on the number of complaints you can file.
You should not be afraid that submitting complaints would affect the quality of your service or your eligibility. Union County does not tolerate retaliation of any kind against our riders. We immediately investigate all accusations of retaliation.
How to File a Complaint/Commendation
One of the many ways we can improve our service is through rider feedback. It is important that you tell us about your experiences using Paratransit. As soon as possible after the event happened, write down the details of the incident to help with investigating the matter. Details such as the following are helpful:
- Date of the incident
- Time and place of the incident
- Name(s) of the people you believe caused the incident
- Name(s) of any people who witnessed the incident
- Summary of what happened (if the incident involved a pick-up, include the address, pick-up time you requested, pick-up time you were given and the vehicle arrival time — if it did arrive)
- Preferred method of response (Written, Email, Phone, or None)
If you desire a response, it can take up to 14 days to respond to your complaint.
- ADA Complaint Policy and Form
- Non-Discrimination Policy
- We are committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from, or denied the benefits of our services on the basis of race, color, or national origin. Any person who believes that they have, individually or as a member of any specific class of persons, been subject to discrimination on the basis of race, color, or natural origin, may file a complaint in writing to Union County Paratransit. To file a complaint, or for more information on Union County’s obligations under Title VI, please write to Union County:
- Union County Paratransit System
- 10 Elizabethtown Plaza, 2nd Floor
- Elizabeth, NJ 07202
- If information is needed in another language please call 908-659-5000. Si necesita información en otro idioma, llame al 908-659-5000
- Reasonable Modification Policy
- Title VI Non Discrimination Policy
- The Title VI Act of 1964, as amended, helps to ensure anti-discrimination is enforced throughout the work undertaken by all recipients of federal funding. The County of Union, including Union County Paratransit, has implemented procedures to prohibit discrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, disabling condition, or being included within minority populations and/or low income populations, as well as, ensure meaningful access to programs and activities by persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). Title VI also prohibits exclusion from participation, denial of benefits to, or others subject to discrimination under any program or activity administered by the County of Union.
- Any person who believes they have been aggrieved by an unlawful discrimination practice under Title VI has a right to file a formal complaint with the County of Union. Any such complaint must be in writing and filed with the County of Union. The complaint must be filed within one hundred eighty (180) days following the date of the alleged discriminatory occurrence. Transportation services provided by this agency are in whole or part funded through federal funds received through NJ TRANSIT and as an individual you also have the right to file your complaint with the Federal Transit Administration in writing and may be addressed to: Title VI Program Coordinator, East Building, 5th Floor – TCR, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, Office of Civil Rights, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590 or visit www.njtransit.com/diversity
- The County of Union also provides language access services to populations of persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) who are eligible to be served or likely to be affected by our programs. The County of Union will schedule interpreters or bilingual staff when necessary to communicate, unless, after being informed of the right to interpreter services, the individual expresses a clear preference to bring their own interpreter. The County of Union will schedule an interpreter or bilingual staff member at no cost to assist in reading English language notices, letters, or other written information from the County of Union.
- To file a written complaint, or for more information on the County of Union’s obligations under
- Title VI and/or to request LEP services, please either write to Nicole Schichnes, Director, Union County Paratransit, 10 Elizabethtown Plaza – 2nd floor, Elizabeth, NJ 07202, or contact the County of Union at www.ucnj.org.
Senior Citizen and Disabled Resident Transportation Advisory Board
Senior Citizen and Disabled Resident Transportation Advisory Board Proposed Meeting Dates for Year 2024
- February 6, 2024
- April 2, 2024
- *June 11, 2024
- August 6, 2024
- Public Hearing (TBA)
- October 1, 2024
- December 3, 2024
The County of Union SCDRTAP Advisory Board meetings are held the first Tuesday of every other month at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom. The meeting ID number and password will be sent to each board member prior to every meeting.
Grant Applications
Contact Us
Please click here to use our form for comments and questions. This form is not for reservations.
Advertising Opportunities
Transit media is all around us! Chances are you’ve stood by, passed by or even driven by one of our vehicles this week- Interested in Advertising?
Please email nicole.schichnes@ucnj.org to be connected with an advertising opportunity specialist.
Public Transportation Training
What is Travel Instruction? Travel Instruction teaches people how to travel safely and independently using public transportation such as buses, trains, light rail, community transportation, and ride-share systems. NJTIP training is available online on many platforms and offered onboard many modes of transportation.
NJTIP customers learn how to read bus and train schedules, plan their trips, pay their fares, and take safety precautions when traveling. After completing their training, our customers can travel on their own to reach work or school, shopping malls, and medical appointments, to visit friends and family, or go to other places they enjoy.
NJTIP Travel Instructors are seasoned professionals with experience in teaching, special education, and assisting individuals with a broad range of disabilities.
Melody Bundy
NJTIP @ Rutgers
Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
33 Livingston Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Direct: 973-445-5950