Interested governmental entities can email to join 8UCCP Union County Cooperative Pricing System. There is NO FEE to join.
Provide the following information in the email: Name, Title, Entity, Address and Phone Number.
- The Division of Purchasing will forward an agreement and a sample resolution via email.
- Print one (1) copies of the agreement and sign.
- Forward the Signed Agreement and copy of the adopted resolution to:
- County of Union
- Division of Purchasing
- 10 Elizabethtown Plaza
- Elizabeth NJ 07207
- Once all the required documents are received an application will be processed for State approval.
- Entity will receive contract execution notice upon approval by the State, and will be notified of any upcoming bidding opportunities for (System ID) 8UCCP.
To view contracts available under this cooperative, please visit the following two links:
Please Note: Upon renewal of System ID 8UCCP with the State (every five (5) years), a renewal contract will be sent to each member to continue participation.