Introduction: April 23, 2020
Final Adoption: May 21, 2020
An Ordinance to amend “the laws of Union County: administrative code and policies and general legislation” by amending: part 1-the Union County Administrative Code, Chapter 1, Union County government structure, article III, Board of Chosen Freeholders §1-13 powers of the board; and, article xxiii, Office of the County Counsel §1-139, functions and responsibilities of the County Counsel.
Introduction: April 23, 2020
Final Adoption: May 21, 2020
An ordinance fixing the salary for County Counsel
Introduction: June 19, 2020
Final Adoption: July 23, 2020
An ordinance to amend the Union County Solid Waste Management Plan by including a class “C” recycling facility to be owned and operated by Linden Renewable Energy, llc located at 4900 Tremley Point, lot 8.02, block 587, Linden, New Jersey to accept organic waste or organic substrate and utilize anaerobic digestion to create renewable natural gas, a marketable soil amendment, and liquid digestate that will be processed on site to produce liquid organic fertilizer.
Introduction: July 09, 2020
Final Adoption: July 23, 2020
An Ordinance to amend “The Laws of Union County: Administrative Code and Policies and General Legislation” by amending: Part 1-The Union County Administrative Code, Article Iv-Fees for Recreation Facilities, 107-6 Park fees for the year 2020.
Introduction: August 13, 2020
Final Adoption: September 3, 2020
Capital ordinance of the County of Union, New Jersey authorizing the demolition of the existing county parking deck on Elizabethtown Plaza and the construction of a new parking deck on such site in, by and for the County, appropriating therefor the sum of $13,500,000 and providing that such sum so appropriated shall be raised from capital surplus of the County.
Introduction: September 3, 2020
Final Adoption: October 1, 2020
An ordinance to amend the Union County Solid Waste Management Plan by including a class “C” recycling facility to be owned and operated by Linden Renewable Energy, LLC located at 4900 Tremley Point, Lot 8.02, Block 587, Linden, New Jersey to accept organic waste or organic substrate and utilize anaerobic digestion to create renewable natural gas, a marketable soil amendment, and liquid digestate that will be processed on site to produce liquid organic fertilizer.
Introduction: September 3, 2020
Final Adoption: October 1, 2020
An ordinance to amend ordinance no. 799-2018 entitled “an ordinance to amend ordinance no. 506-99 entitled ‘an ordinance establishing land development standards for the County of Union’ ” adopted by the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders on September 9, 1999″.
Introduction: October 15, 2020
Final Adoption: November 5, 2020
Bond ordinance to authorize the making of various public improvements and the acquisition of new additional or replacement equipment and machinery, new additional furnishings, new communication and signal systems equipment, and new information technology and telecommunications equipment in, by and for the County of Union, State of New Jersey, to appropriate the sum of $24,015,415 to pay the cost thereof, to appropriate state grants, to make a down payment, to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds.
Introduction: November 12, 2020
Final Adoption: December 3, 2020
An ordinance to amend “the laws of Union County: administrative code and policies and general legislation” by amending: part 1 – Union County administrative code, chapter 1, Union County government structure, article xvi-Department of Human Services; chapter 2, administrative legislation, article v-fiscal provisions; and, chapter