Office of Community Engagement and Diversity

Office of Community Engagement and Diversity

Black History Month


The Office of Community Engagement and Diversity functions will provide outreach to local community based groups and volunteer organizations; coordinate countywide community events and programs which foster and promote volunteerism in Union County; reinforce strategies for building relationships with the County’s diverse communities to include culture, lifestyle, ethnicity, and race; and bring communities together on issues important to them finding creative & innovative solutions to ensure inclusion and collaboration on a multi-faceted vision for the County’s diverse communities.


Judith Guest, Coordinator

  • Phone: 908 527-4388
  • Fax: 908-352-3980
  • E-mail:

Community Events

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County Resources and Events

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Refugee Assistance: Ukraine and Other Conflict Zones

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Answer your Community’s Call!

Possibilities Turn Into Opportunities


“Volunteering in your community TODAY can be the segue to making your mark in this world and shaping your FUTURE.” Pay a disabled military vet a visit. Here you can shower them in appreciation of quality time thru conversation and a handmade card.


“Lead the way by Imparting your seasoned wisdom & knowledge with others.” Some families are struggling with many challenges. They may need your help to simply navigate thru the day.


“Encourage employee bonding outside of the workplace while strengthening your ties in the community.” Cultivate a contributing asset to the workforce by conducting a career training workshop.


“Stay true to your cause by joining forces in the spirit of giving.” Roll up your sleeves and show some muscle and organization skills at a local food bank. Go team!


“Volunteer opportunities are all inclusive. You don’t have to be a part of a group or affiliation of any kind.”

Just dive in as all are welcome aboard!

Success Looks Good On You

  • While volunteerism can be an exciting opportunity; Be clear on responsibilities, expectations and qualifications. Being in “The Know” ensures your success.
  • Now that you’ve expressed interest; it’s time to determine your level of commitment prior to making one. Inquire as to whether or not there is flexibility or allowable modifications. Balance is key!
  • Attend orientation and all offered trainings. Be sure to review all distributed literature cover to cover and periodically reference it.
  • Maintain a safe, nurturing and welcoming environment at all times.
  • Don’t miss the memo! Dress appropriately for the occasion, comfort and assignment at hand.
  • Adhere to confidentiality protocol.
  • Respect each other’s personal space.
  • The way to strengthen your relationship is by building trust and respect. People appreciate you being your best self.
  • Remember, it’s about you, the client and the experience. Refrain from interacting with family and friends during this time. This includes in passing or unexpected encounters.
  • Stay in designated area and adhere to agreed upon volunteer schedule.
  • All issues, incidents, questions and concerns should be documented and posed to the appropriate administrator or direct report.
  • Interaction should go beyond you and the clientele. Be sure to network and socialize with other volunteers as well. You’ll find that they can be your best resource.
  • Growth may be gradual. Give it a chance! Tomorrow is a new day. Grant yourself positive thoughts and watch them transition into a positive experience.
  • Get in the practice of documenting your hours. Volunteerism has value no matter how big or small your contribution. You showed up when it counted!
  • Walk in confidence and with a “Win Win” mindset. Most importantly have fun!

The aforementioned are suggested practices and are not to be used in lieu of any agency rules. It is imperative that you consult with an administrator or volunteer coordinator. Their guidelines are to take precedence.

Join Our (Individual) Volunteer Registry

Join Our (Group) Volunteer Registry

Please have every person sign our Group Member Sign-In Sheet.

Committed Volunteers Groups

Plainfield Public Schools

Jerusalem Lodge #26 F. & A.


Kean Center for Leadership and Service

SHOUT (A Union County Program)

Linden High School Junior Navy JROTC

Youth Enrichment Services (YES) Program at Elizabeth High School’s Admiral William F. Halsey Health & Public Safety Academy

Volunteer Opportunities

Elizabeth – Family Promise

Address and Contact Information
402 Union Ave. Elizbeth, NJ 07208

Our mission is to help families experiencing homelessness and low-income families achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.
Areas of Volunteerism

  • Virtual volunteering, skills-based volunteering, prepare meals, assist with homework, supply drives and fundraising.
  • Opportunities to volunteer from home.

Elizabeth – Trinitas Regional Medical Center

Address and Contact Information
Trinitas Regional Medical Center
225 Williamson Street, Elizbeth, NJ 07207

TRINITAS Volunteers offer their time, talent and dedication throughout the hospital in patient care and clerical settings providing an extra dimension of services to our patients and families, staff and community. Join us and become a part of this wonderful opportunity to make a difference!

Areas of Volunteerism

  • Both clinical and clerical areas throughout the hospital
  • Opportunities to volunteer from home.

Elizabeth – YWCA of Union County

Address and Contact Information
1131 East Jersey Street, Elizbeth, NJ 07201

The YWCA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.

In this context, YWCA Union County is on a mission:

  • to empower survivors of domestic violence to become safe and free from abuse, and
  • to promote social justice and eliminate violence against women and girls.

We accomplish this mission through the provision of comprehensive, client-centered services, and through education, collaboration and advocacy that builds safe, informed and supportive communities.

Areas of Volunteerism

  • Domestic Violence Crisis Response Team Member
  • Court Advocacy, Administration
  • Child Care
  • STEP Mentor
  • Outreach and Community Events

Elizabeth – Urban League of Union County

Address and Contact Information
1139 E. Jersey Street, Suite 515, Elizabeth

The Urban League of Union County (ULUC) is a non-profit organization founded in 1944 and incorporated in 1952. We are one of 90 affiliates of the National Urban League. The Urban League supplies information on the minority population, conducts surveys, training programs, secures jobs, motivates youth, and provides essential services in education, housing, health, employment, and welfare. Currently, Urban League’s major programs are Housing and Community Development and Reconnections (Re-entry to Society for the formerly incarcerated).

Areas of Volunteerism
Special events, office tasks, mentorship, leading workshops and securing “in- kind” donations thru the coordination of various drives. Also, we have volunteer auxiliaries: Urban League of Union County Young Professionals and Urban League Guilds.

Elizabeth – Jefferson Park Ministries, Inc.

Address and Contact Information
70 West Grand Street, Elizabeth

Jefferson Park Ministries Inc. (JPM) is a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt, Faith-based community organization located in Elizabeth, New Jersey. JPM’s standards revolve around remaining connected to resources, engaged with the youth & their families while maintaining support that will empower our community through service.

Areas of Volunteerism

  • Food Pantry- 2nd & 3rd Thurs of each month between 9am-5pm
  • After School Program – September Mon thru Thurs between 2pm-7pm
  • Office Errand (clerical & phones) -Mon thru Thurs 1pm -6pm & Fri 9am – 2pm
  • Job Search Assistance -Wed 9am-5pm
  • Resume Assistance – Wed 9m-5pm
  • Community event – TBA/ Call Community Engagement & Diversity office to inquire
  • Fundraising (cold calls) – Flexible & from home as needed
  • Grant writing (Search for mission alignment) – Flexible & from home as needed.
  • Social Media (content writing) – Flexible & from home as needed.
  • Photographer/Videographer- TBA/ Call Community Engagement & Diversity office to inquire
  • Opportunities to volunteer from home.

Elizabeth – Jewish Family Service of Central New Jersey

Address and Contact Information
655 Westfield Avenue, Elizabeth

The mission of Jewish Family Service of Central NJ (JFSCNJ), a non-sectarian health and social service agency, is to strengthen family life and encourages personal growth by providing specialized quality services to individuals and families in need in Union County, NJ. The Agency is a licensed mental health outpatient agency and a licensed and accredited homecare agency.

Areas of Volunteerism

  • Senior services: friendly visiting, transportation, socialization programs.
  • Food Programs: Food Pantry shifts, community gardening.
  • Education: Tutoring and reading programs.
  • Opportunities to work from home.

Elizabeth – Prevention Links

Address and Contact Information
121-125 Chestnut Street, Roselle

Prevention Links is a private, not-for-profit organization, which takes a leadership role in the prevention of drugs, alcohol, tobacco and related issues.
With community being defined as any environment where people live, work, or learn, the goal of Prevention Links is to pull together all available resources to eliminate the deleterious effects of drugs, alcohol, violence, and inadequate educational and health institutions in our communities. We focus on identifying and enhancing existing strengths within the individual, family, school, and work setting to serve as the first and most valuable resource in sustainable revitalization of all types of community. Prevention Links implements training programs and evidence-based strategies, practices and programs that are outcome-based and empower all segments of a community to be actively engaged in changing their environments.

Areas of Volunteerism
Seven days a week between 11am – 7pm
Union County Recovery Center (Headquarters)- Volunteers who are directly or indirectly affected by Substance Use Disorder will be trained in the CCAR Recovery Coach Academy Curriculum and provide recovery coaching to participants at our Union County Recovery Center. Volunteers will also assist with programming run by the Recovery Center including mutual aid meetings, social events, and educational workshops. Volunteers would work with people in Union County facing Substance Use Challenges.

Mon thru Fri between 9am -5pm
Bayway Family Success Center- Volunteers assist with family programming such as family fun nights, financial workshops, homework club, and more. Volunteers would work with families and children from the Bayway section of Elizabeth.

Mon thru Fri between 9am-5pm
EPORT Community Center- Volunteers will help community members navigate resources in the community to meet their needs, assist with various food/supply distributions, and assist with programming at the center such as nutrition workshops, homework club, family events and more.

Seasonal: Sept 1st thru Oct 22nd
Red Ribbon Day- The annual Union County Ribbon Day requires a lot of help in preparation of and day of logistics. Volunteers can assist with the preparation including informing the community about the event, preparing supplies for the day of, and securing activities for the event. Day of work include setup/breakdown of tables and chairs, participation in the walk, assisting with registration, and more. This event, day of, takes place at Nomahegan Park in Cranford.

Mon thru Fri between 9am-5pm
Social Media, Graphic Design, and Outreach – Prevention Links sees assistance of skilled volunteers to assist with the development of social media and outreach materials to educate the community about the availability of our services and about topics related to community health education.

  • Opportunities to work from home.

Elizabeth – International Rescue Committee

Address and Contact Information
208 Commerce Place, 4th Fl. Elizabeth, NJ 07201

The International Rescue Committee provides opportunities for refugees, asylees, victims of human trafficking, survivors of torture, and other immigrants to thrive in America. Each year, thousands of people, forced to flee violence and persecution, are welcomed by the people of the United States into the safety and freedom of America.

Areas of Volunteerism

  • On-Call Resettlement Volunteer: This is an unpaid volunteer position where you will be contacted as needed to provide services such as airport pickups, grocery deliveries, or apartment setups.
  • Volunteer ESL Instructor/Tutor [REMOTE]: these volunteers would help tutor our clients, both adults and youth, in conversation, literacy, pronunciation, workplace English (nursing, IT), grammar, citizenship interview & exam prep, and ESL learning! They would create a weekly schedule with their supervisor
  • Opportunities to volunteer from home.

Plainfield – Neighborhood Health Services

Address and Contact Information

1700 Myrtle Ave. Plainfield NJ
Plainfield, New Jersey 07063


The Neighborhood Health Services Corporation Board of Directors, volunteers, medical staff, allied health care professionals, and management team are committed to leadership in the delivery of health care services for the residents of Plainfield, Elizabeth and neighboring communities. Caring is intrinsic to our mission. Every person who seeks care will be welcomed, comforted and assisted by our collected talents without regard to financial status.

Areas of Volunteerism

Food Pantry: registration, set up, unloading food, distributing food and clean up.

Plainfield – Neighborhood House Association

Address and Contact Information
644 West Fourth Street, Plainfield

We are a fully accredited, not-for-profit, early childhood education center providing children in the Plainfield Community with a strong academic foundation, personal development, and stability.

Areas of Volunteerism

  • We are looking to grow our Board to include: Attorneys, those familiar with Real Estate, banking and Fundraising.
  • Opportunities to volunteer from home.

Plainfield – Iris House

Service areas of Plainfield and Elizabeth

Address and Contact Information
603 East Front Street, Plainfield

Iris House saves lives through comprehensive support, prevention and education services for women, families, and underserved populations affected by HIV/AIDS and other health disparities in a safe, family-centered environment by passionate, professional and culturally competent staff.

Areas of Volunteerism
Outreach in the community, making safer sex kits, making informational bags, and more.

Morris Habitat for Humanity

Serving Plainfield, Summit and Union

274 South Salem Street, Randolph

Home repair/ Aging in place program. Assisting all low-income families in our community that need home repair services.

(973) 891-1934

Center For Hope Hospice and Palliative Care

Serving Elizabeth and Scotch Plains

1900 Raritan Road, Scotch Plains

Located in Scotch Plains and Elizabeth, The Center for Hope Hospice provides terminally ill patients with the natural, humane care known as hospice and their families or loved ones with physical, emotional, and spiritual support during their time of need.

The Center brings to its patients a new, caring quality of life that actively supports the individual’s right to live out the remainder of their life with dignity and in comfort, surrounded by the love of family and friends, and eased from the burdens of distress be it physical, emotional, spiritual, financial or social.

The Center provides family and loved ones with the opportunity to discover and embrace the gift of life as they journey through loss.

The Center welcomes all terminally ill patients, their families and loved ones without concern for race, ethnicity, religious affiliation or ability to pay.


The Center For Hope Hospice & Palliative Care Volunteer Program is one of vitality, dedication, and the opportunity to meet new and interesting people and challenges. Even a person with a minimal amount of free time can enjoy the rewards of volunteering.

The variety of service programs offered through the Center For Hope Hospice & Palliative Care allow each volunteer to select his or her area of interest or talent. Volunteers in all areas of service are greatly needed and greatly appreciated. Opportunities include patient/family support, administrative assistance, music therapy, pet therapy and more. The Auxiliary, who run various events throughout the year and the Hope Chest in Downtown Westfield

Our facilities, in Elizabeth and Scotch Plains, are open 7 days a week. Visiting hours are from 8:30am-8pm. Time and frequency is based around the volunteers schedule. No amount of time is too small.

Community Partner Registration Form

Union County promotes and prides itself on volunteerism. We’re here to align ourselves with your non- profit’s community initiatives and stand in support of them. Non- profits that have volunteer opportunities are asked to complete the following registration form. This is the first step to be considered as a Union County Community Partner.

We Value your Feedback

Care to share?

We value your feedback. In effort to make your volunteer experience a rewarding one; we ask that you please share any comments, questions, or suggestions you my have.