The Union County Clerk’s office in Westfield will be closed on December 17th from 11:30am to 2:00pm due to technical upgrades

As the County Clerk I am pleased to acquaint you with the broad range of services and functions our office performs. From the recording and filing of all land transactions within the 21 municipalities of our county to the processing of Passports and elections, we are always available to assist and direct you in your needs.
We invite you to download our free Union County Votes App for ioS, android phones and tablets. It will give you instant access to the vital tools of voting and accurate election information.
– Joanne Rajoppi
Follow the County Clerk office on Facebook
Other Links
Elizabeth Office
Appointments required for most services
2 Broad Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07207
Main Phone Number 908-527-4787
Fax Phone Number 908-558-2589
Business Office
Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
Appointments required – Make online
Passport Office
Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 3:30 pm
Please visit our Westfield office for Saturdays and late nights
Appointments required – Make online
Recording Office
Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Appointments not required
Election Office
Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Appointments not required
Westfield Office
Appointments required for most services
300 North Avenue East, Westfield, NJ 07090
Main Phone 908-654-9859
Passports, Business Names, Notaries and Veterans’ IDs
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Tuesday, Thursday 8:00 am to 7:30 pm
Saturday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Appointments required – Make online
If a holiday falls on the preceding Friday, the Office will be closed Saturday
Daniel’s Law Portal
In November 2020, Governor Murphy signed Daniel’s Law, which amended the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) and other statutes protecting personal information for certain persons in public service. Specifically, Daniel’s Law is designed to expand protections from public exposure for personal information about active and retired judges, law enforcement officers, and prosecutors, and their immediate family.
Register with NJ Office of Information Privacy
Covered Persons need to register with New Jersey’s Office of Information Privacy. Once your registration/status is confirmed by the State, our office will be notified at a subsequent date to remove your personal information from our records. For complete text of Daniels Law, see P.L. 2021, CHAPTER 371.
Protect Your Property from Fraudulent Activity
Citing an increase in property related fraud in New Jersey and around the country, Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi reminds Union County property owners that the Property Fraud Alert Notification system enables property owners to respond quickly to unauthorized, potentially fraudulent activity involving their property. The program is completely free for Union County property owners.
“Property fraud is especially insidious because seniors are often the target, and the victims often have no idea that their property rights have been compromised until it’s too late. The Property Fraud Alert system enables property owners to identify a potential problem as quickly as possible, and take action to re-establish their property rights,” said Ms. Rajoppi.
Property owners in Union County can subscribe to the free Property Fraud Alert system by registering online at, or contact the Property Fraud Alert call center at 1-800-728-3858.
Subscribers can opt to receive alerts by phone or email. Please note that users with common names may receive multiple alerts. Property owners may also register additional names free of charge, to cover common misspellings.
Subscribers will be notified when the name they have registered is used in any recording activities within the office of the County Clerk.
When an alert is received, the subscriber is advised to visit the Union County Clerk’s property search website at to check for unauthorized activity. The online system can be accessed 24/7. Subscribers can also call 1-800-728-3858 during regular weekday business hours.
Subscribers should report any suspicious activity to their local Police Department.
Latest Updates
County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi featured on NJ Spotlight News
Convenient Online Appointment System now available from the Union County Clerk
Make your Appointment for Passports, Notary Services, or Trade Names
Election Resources