Union County Senior Citizens’ VIRTUAL ART EXHIBIT

On view online October 13 – December 30, 2020

The 2020 Union County Senior Citizens’ Art Show is being held entirely online, due to ongoing public-health precautions and restrictions due to the Coronavirus.

Registration online is required, as well as submitting a digital image of your artwork.

Artwork categories are unchanged from previous years, and are listed below. Size limits for artwork are broader than prior years. We regret that you will need to re-register if you had previously registered in the spring (for the original event).

For senior artists who do not have internet access and wish to enter artwork, a relative or friend with internet access and an email address may assist and register on behalf of the artist Or, staff will register the artist by phone (908-558-2552).

To complete the registration process, artists must submit a digital photograph of their artwork entry. Physical photos will not be accepted.

Register at www.ucnj.org/senior-art.

Registration deadline extended to Sept 8! (12 noon)

Exhibit entries will be judged by a jury of three professional artists, and we will announce artwork awards in October. First-place artwork will be automatically entered in the New Jersey Senior Citizens’ Art Show, also being held online this fall.

Photograph Your Artwork

Only one (1) image may be submitted by each artist. Submit a high resolution image.

If you enter a photograph taken digitally, send us the digital image, of course (do not photograph a print).

Maximum file size 7 MB.

We recommend you take several photos, then select the best one to submit.

Remove any glass or plexiglass before photographing 2D artwork.

For 2D artwork, there is no requirement this year for a matte or frame. You may photograph art with or without a matte and/or frame, but not with glass or plexiglass.

There are many videos online showing techniques for photographing artwork. Here is one that demonstrates how to photograph artwork using your phone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIDdsj3iMiw


Any artist age 60 or above, currently residing in Union County, may submit one entry. It must be an original artwork completed within the past three years. The entry cannot be an artwork previously entered in the Union County Senior Citizens Art Exhibit.

Artist Classifications

Professional – Person who meets 2 or more of the following qualifications:

  • Has sold his/her art through commercial channels including galleries, online galleries, craft shows, art shows, etc.
  • Holds (or has held) professional membership in an arts guild or association
  • Has exhibited work for 2 or more recent years in professional galleries and/or professional art exhibits *
  • Has created artwork selected for 2 or more juried art or craft shows *
  • Has received 2 or more awards for their artwork *

NOTE: These do not apply if you’ve entered work in only this Union County Senior Art exhibit.

Non-Professional – Applicant who does not meet 2 or more of the criteria above for a professional.

Rules & Requirements for Artwork Entered

  • Artwork entry must be the original creation of the artist. No reproductions (such as giclee or other types of copies) of another artist’s artwork will be accepted.
  • Artwork made using a kit, or copying another person’s artwork, will not be accepted.
  • 2-D artwork, photos, or crafts may not exceed 36” in any dimension. There is no minimum size. Matte and frame are NOT required for this online show.
  • Sculpture or 3-D crafts may not exceed 36” in any dimension (for 3-D work, measurements must include any base). There is NO weight limit.
  • Please ensure that artwork is correctly categorized. If categorized incorrectly, artwork will be moved to the appropriate category at the discretion of staff or jurors.

Entry Categories

  • Acrylic Painting
  • Craft – one-of-a-kind original creations only; no craft kits or molds permitted
  • Digital Art – artwork generated entirely or significantly altered with computer graphics software (excluding digital photography)
  • Mixed Media – combines two or more media, and no single one of these media clearly predominates; category includes collage and assemblage
  • Oil Painting
  • Pastel – includes chalk and oil pastel
  • Printmaking – includes etching, engraving, lithograph, woodcut, monoprint, monotype, silkscreen
  • Photography – includes color, black & white, or tinted photographs taken with either a film-based or digital camera
  • Sculpture – any work designed in three dimensions, carved or constructed in any medium (except some crafts); abstract or figurative; painted or unpainted
  • Watercolor Painting – includes gouache
  • Works on Paper (drawing) – includes hand-drawn works in mediums including charcoal, pencil, pen, ink, graphite, crayon, or a stylus of any sort

Register here

We look forward to seeing your artwork.

If you have a question, email msturm@ucnj.org, and please include your phone number.