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- AAA of Union County: 1-800-222-4357
- Addiction, Information, Referral Service: 1-800-786-1230
- Adoption Resource Center: 1-800-992-3678
- Local Area: 1-800-543-3127
- Aids Hotline: 1-800-624-2377
- Ala-Call/NJ Substance Abuse Hotline: 1-800-322-5525
- Alcoholics Anonymous: 1-908-233-8810
- Alzheimer’s Safe Return: 1-800-572-1122
- Battered Women: 1-908-355-4357
- Bureau Of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms:
- Firearms Task Force: 1-973-357-406
- Arson/Explosives: 1-973-357-4070
- Child Abuse (to report): 1-800-792-8610
- Child Abuse (parents anonymous): 1-800-421-0353
- We Care, INC: 1-908-232-2880 (TTY/TDD: 1-908-232-3333)
- Union County Crimestoppers: 1-800-654-TIPS
- Division of Youth & Family Services (DYFS): 1-800-331-3937
- DYFS Hotline: 1-800-792-8610
- Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-908-355-4357 (Toll free: 1-800-572-SAFE)
- Drug Enforcement Administration: 1-973-645-6060
- Drug Hotline: 1-800-225-0196
- Dumping Hotline: 1-800-235-DUMP
- Elizabeth General Hospital: 1-908-289-8600
- EPA Environmental Protection Agency (NJ): 1-609-292-7172
- Eye Bank: 1-800-653-9379
- Family Health Line: 1-800-328-3838
- FBI (Newark): 1-973-622-5613
- Fish & Game: 1-609-292-7172
- Foster Parent Recruitment: 1-800-222-0047
- Health Department (NJ): 1-609-392-2020
- Homelessness (Elizabeth Area): 1-908-355-9622
- Homelessness (Plainfield Area): 1-908-756-6060
- Humane Society: 1-973-824-7505
- Legislative Hotline (NJ): 1-800-792-8630
- Mental Health Emergency/Outreach: 1-908-355-5556
- Muhlenberg Hospital (Plainfield): 1-908-668-2000
- Nar-Anon/Families of Addicts: 1-800-322-5525
- Narcotics Anonymous: 1-800-992-0401
- National Runaway Switchboard: 1-800-621-4000
- National Weather Service (Newark): 1-201-976-1212
- N.J. AIDS Hotline: 1-800-624-2377
- N.J. Child Abuse Reports: 1-800-792-8610
- N.J. Organ & Tissue Sharing Network: 1-800-742-7365
- N.J. State Police: 1-609-882-2000
- N.Y. City Police: 1-212-374-5000
- Overlook Hospital (Summit): 1-908-522-2000
- Parents Anonymous/Family Helpline: 1-800-843-5437
- Poison Control Center: 1-800-962-1253
- Rahway Hospital: 1-732-381-4200
- Rape Crisis Center: 1-908-233-7273
- Runaway Hotline (local): 1-800-231-6946
- Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-572-7233
- St. Elizabeth’s Hospital (Elizabeth): 1-908-527-5000
- Suicide Contact Rape Line: 1-908-232-2880
- Suicide Hotline: 1-908-351-6684
- Suicide Hotline (Elizabeth General Hospital): 1-908-558-8131
- Toxic Chemical & Oil Spills: 1-800-424-8802
- Union County Adolescent Substance Abuse: 1-908-351-0522
- Union County Council On Alcoholism & Drug Addiction: 1-908-233-8810
- Union County Division on Aging: 1-908-527-4870
- Union County Office for the Disabled: 1-908-527-4840
- Union County Psychiatric Service: 1-908-355-5556
- Union County Division of Social Services (Food Stamps): 1-908-965-3706
- Union County Road Department: 1-908-789-3660
- Union County Youth Services Bureau: 908-558-2520
- Union County Division of Employment & Training: 1-908-527-4800
- Union County Runaway Hotline: 1-800-231-6946
- Union Hospital: 1-908-687-1900
- U.S. Customs Service Enforcement: 1-973-645-3770
- U.S. Marshals Service: 1-973-645-2404
- U.S. Postal Inspections Criminal Investigations: 1-973-693-5450
- U.S. Secret Service: 1-972-984-5760
- Victim/Witness Hotline: 1-800-242-0804
- Women’s Referral Central: 1-800-322-8092