About the Academy
On behalf of Sheriff Peter Corvelli, we are pleased to announce that the Union County Sheriff’s Office will be presenting our annual Youth Police Academy program this summer. Any student currently in grades 7-12 in Union County may apply.
Program dates for students are as follows: 7th and 8th grade (July 14 – July18) & 9th – 12th grade (July 21- August 1). The academy will operate from 8:20 am to 3:00 pm each day. This is a free program! Applications can be downloaded below.
- The goal of the program is to familiarize students with the role of a Police Officer.
- It will introduce participants to a hands-on experience of a wide variety of law enforcement functions as well as the various types of emergency services and the training that is required.
- Participants will have the opportunity to experience positive interactions with different facets of our justice system.
The Union County Sheriff’s Youth Police Academy will take place at the John H. Stamler Police Academy in Scotch Plains.
The Sheriff’s Youth Police Academy is not a “boot camp” for troubled youth. It is designed to operate like an actual academy for those interested in law enforcement.

What Subjects will be Covered
Physical Fitness Training, Military Etiquette, Drill and Ceremony, Basic First Aid & Fire Safety, Police Baton Training, Handcuffing Techniques, Self Defense, Basic Crime Scene Investigations, Fingerprinting, Sheriff’s Canine Demonstration and more.

What is the Application Procedure
The entire application must be filled out and returned for consideration. The entire application should include the following:
- Application/Contact Information sheet
- Certification and Release of Information and Photographs waiver
- Consent to Participate and Release from Liability waiver
- Medical Certification Form signed by a doctor
- Copy of applicant’s most recent report card
Applicants must currently be in grades 7 -12 to be eligible. If you are home-schooled, please provide explanation of the equivalent.

How do I get an Application
Applications are available by visiting your local guidance counselor’s office or by downloading it here:

What else should I know
The recruits will be introduced to a wide variety of emergency services and law enforcement functions and training through different hands-on experiences. Participants will undergo daily training in Drill and Ceremony to teach values and the importance of working as a team.
This educational program will provide youth with an opportunity to learn respect for our laws while teaching them about their roles and responsibilities as citizens.
It will provide powerful insight into a possible career path that can only be obtained by staying clear of trouble and performing well in their academic studies

Submitting your Application
Applications must be sent to the attention of:
UCSO Training Unit – Youth Academy
Union County Sheriff’s Office
15 Elizabethtown Plaza
Elizabeth, NJ 07207
Eligibility Criteria
- Students currently enrolled in Grades 7th through 12th
- Have a minimum G.P.A. of 2.70 (B – Average)
- Obtain consent of parent(s) or guardian (located in application)
- Obtain medical release forms (located in application) from your physician.
Free Program
This is a FREE program! Recruits are only responsible for transportation to and from the academy, lunch, and black pants.
The Sheriff’s Youth Academy will adhere to a strict paramilitary code of conduct. All recruits will be expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the rules and guidelines of the John H. Stamler Police Academy.
Recruits will be required to participate to the best of their abilities in all scheduled activities. At any time the program director may terminate a recruit from participating in the Sheriff’s Youth Academy for non-compliance with the rules set forth in the Academy guidelines.