To request assistance locating a presently wandering PLS client please call the Union County Dispatch Center at 908-654-9801 and request PLS assistance. Please also call your local police department to establish a proper reporting chain.
Since 2003, the Union County Sheriff’s Office in cooperation with Project Lifesaver International continues to bring to the citizens of Union County a valuable service in Project Lifesaver.
This program is a valuable tool for law enforcement to assist in the locating of lost or wandering individuals who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia disorders such as Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorder. The facts are that over 5,700,000 people in the U.S.A. have Alzheimer’s disease. That number will triple by 2050. Well over 50% of these people will wander or become lost and possibly put themselves at serious risk of injury or even death.
A lost person with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or a child with autism is classified as a critical emergency.
These individuals usually will not call out for help and will not respond to those who may be searching for their safe return. The first minutes after a loved one is noticed missing can be extremely stressful for the family. Knowing what to do and who to call can be vital to a quick and safe recovery.
How Project Lifesaver works
Once an application has been received and reviewed you will be contacted by a specially trained Sheriff’s Officer. If you are approved for the program an officer will come to your home and provide the participant and their family with an understanding of how the equipment works as well as…
- Educating the family for the safeguarding of loved ones and how to prevent a family member from wandering
- How to initiate a response should an emergency arise
- Care and maintenance of the Project Lifesaver unit
Project Lifesaver relies on proven battery operated radio transmitter technology and specially trained Sheriff’s Officers to locate our clients. This is not a GPS based system.
Once a tracking unit is placed on the wrist of a participant, a pulse wave radio frequency is emitted from the device 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. The radio signal frequency is unique to the person wearing the tracking unit.
Should an emergency arise, an on call Sheriff’s Officer will respond to the last known location of the individual. With specialized equipment, the officer can start tracking the “signal” that is emitted from the unit. This equipment will hone in on the signal which can lead to a quick recovery.
Participation requirements
- Individuals diagnosed with:
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Down syndrome
- Autism spectrum disorder
- Other dementia-related disorder
- Twenty-four (24) hour live in caretaker /support
- Union County resident
Program Cost(s)
- A fee of $ 285.00 to cover the cost of the transmitter (cost may be offset or waved based on need)
- Maintenance fee of $ 15.00 per month which covers battery replacement and to ensure proper working order of the unit (Non-Waivable)
- If the cost of the unit is cost prohibitive you may contact us to see if there is a program that will offset this cost or provide the unit free of charge. These programs are based on units being available at time of request. The previous year financial statements will be required to show need.
Please click on the links below to access Project Lifesaver brochures and applications.
If you have any questions please contact us at 908-527-4450.