
Each day the Union County Departments of Economic Development (DED) and Human Services (DHS) make a positive difference in the lives of Union County’s residents by connecting them with the services, resources and assistance they need to lead healthy, productive lives

At any time of life, making ends meet can become a serious challenge for any individual or family A job may be lost in a changing economy; an illness or disability, and the care needed can drain a family’s finances; or a sudden, unexpected disaster resulting from a fire or flood, can be devastating

When residents are in need of life’s basic necessities – food, shelter, and clothing – the Department of Human Services is there with a ‘social safety net’ to help The Department of Economic Development is there to facilitate permanent housing, community revitalization, and opportunities for economic growth through job training and development

What It Means To Have Heart

Together, the Departments of Economic Development and Human Services work to support family and community stability and prosperity by building on the county’s strengths, in particular, its diverse population and its prime location

The county’s population (563,892-US Census 2017) is racially, ethnically and culturally diverse Union County’s location is at the hub of the New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Region Known as “Gateway America”, this region has the heaviest population and industry concentration in the United States Union County has an excellent infrastructure, including New Jersey’s largest international airport and seaport, rail lines, and highways US Foreign Trade Zone No 49 is the largest foreign trade zone in the nation

Through close collaboration in the provision of social and economic services as described in this directory, the Departments of Economic Development and Human Services will build on Union County’s strengths to promote a healthy, educated, strong and secure population with a wealth of opportunities to achieve their dreams

For the homeless; jobless; senior adults and their caregivers; the disabled; the mentally ill and addicted; military veterans; at-risk youth; and children in need of immunizations from disease.

Through education, job training and placement; information and referral services; and, opportunities for group support around specific issues and concerns.

Listen and respond to needs as expressed by the public and private sectors of Union County. Make the community-at-large aware of such needs and gain support for change.

Bring government services and programs to the people through events open to the public. Use media to keep the public informed and aware.

Provide the foundation of job skills training, basic and advanced education needed to enter the workplace. Share knowledge to raise children to become responsible, productive adults.

Economic DevelopmentHuman Services

Department of Economic Development

Promotes and develops the planning and growth of the County of Union, through the implementation and coordination of all economic development plans and programs including matters affecting workforce investment, community development, and quality of housing

Amy C Wagner, Deputy County Manager/Department Director
Telephone 908- 527-4802
Fax 908- 289-0180

Workforce Development Board

Antonio C Rivera 908- 527-4195
Fax  908- 659-7406

Directs training investments to create sustainable jobs, develops marketing strategies to promote business services, and designs competitive economic and workforce policies

Division of Community Services

Brandon T Givens, Director 908- 527-4426
Fax  908- 527-4086

Partners with communities and non-profit agencies to reduce the causes of poverty, increase job opportunities, economic security for individuals/families and revitalize communities Our social service and community development programs work in a variety of ways to improve the lives of many

Bureau of Community Development

Grace Minas 908- 527-4258
Fax 908- 527-4086

Oversees the federally funded Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) CDBG funds are used for a wide range of community development activities directed toward neighborhood revitalization, economic development, social service programs and improvements
to community facilities

Bureau of Housing

Main Number 908- 527-4229
Fax 908- 352-3980

Increases access to decent housing and suitable living environments for low and very-low income families through federally funded programs such as the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8), the HOME Program, and CDBG Program

Office of Veteran Services

Janna Williams 908- 572-4918
Fax 908- 352-3980

The Office of Veteran Services is the vital link between men and women who have served their county and the resources available from Federal, State, County and Municipal governments as well as the private sector

We Are One New Jersey

Elizabeth Montes 908- 249-4360
Fax 908- 527-4086

In conjunction with the New Jersey AFL-CIO, this program provides social and human services that educate, empower and uplift working families We Are One New Jersey provides US Citizenship application guidance, voter registration, and notary services The goal is to build stronger communities by educating and engaging new Americans to become active participants in our democracy

Division of Strategic Planning & Intergovernmental Relations

Philip Kandl, Director 908- 527-4273
Fax  908- 352-3980

Develops strategic plans for the County, focusing on economic competitiveness and growth, transportation, land use, and sustainability Coordinates and aligns policies and initiatives across County departments and governmental agencies through outreach and shared services

Office of Community Engagement and Diversity

Nathalie Hernandez 908- 527-4880
Fax  908- 527-4715

Provides outreach and coordinates events and programs with local community based groups and organizations to promote volunteerism in Union County Reinforces strategies for building relationships with the County’s diverse communities to find creative and innovative solutions to ensure inclusion and collaboration


Department of Human Services

Under the Office of the Director, the Department of Human Services responds to residents in the County’s 21 municipalities providing social safety net services including food; shelter (including permanent and transitional housing) ; job training; medical transportation; medical and mental health services; and services for youth, the elderly; the disabled; people with special needs; the LGBTQ Community; and women

Main Number 908- 527-4800
Debbie-Ann Anderson, Director 908- 527-4808
Karen Dinsmore, Assistant Director 908- 527-4809
Fax 908- 527-4875

Youth Shelter

508 Westminster Ave, Elizabeth, NJ 07202
Main Number 908- 436-1955
Fax 908- 436-1957

Services for youth needing temporary placement following a juvenile/family crisis; youth who run away from home; and truant youth

Paratransit Reserve a Ride / Route 22 Shuttle

Admin Bldg, 10 Elizabethtown Plaza, 2nd Floor, Elizabeth 07207

Paratransit Dispatcher 908- 241-8300
Kathy Carmello, Director 908- 659-5001
Fax 908- 659-7443

Curb-to-curb, non-emergency, wheelchair-equipped transportation as schedule permits for seniors (60 and over), disabled, or economically disadvantaged residents Service available on a first come-first served basis Please call 5 to 7 days in advance

Cornerstone Behavioral Health Hospital of Union County

40 Watchung Way, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922

Cornerstone West 908- 790-5300
Cornerstone East  908- 771-5875
Michael Flemming, Division Director 908- 771-5720
Farhan Siddiqui, MD Chief Psychiatrist/Medical Director 908- 771-5740
Fax 908- 790-5318

In-patient care for adults 18 and over A 44-bed therapeutic environment guided by psychiatrists and professional support staff with the goal of preparing the patient for eventual reentry into the community

Division on Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC)

Frances A Benson, Director 908- 527-4867
Natalie Zarrillo, Assistant Director 908- 527-4865
Information and Referral 888-280-8226 (toll free) / 908- 527-4870
Fax 908- 659-7410

Plans, implements and coordinates a variety of needed services for residents aged 60 and older and their families/caregivers Provides information and reference services for inquiries about healthcare; nutrition; financial; legal; homemaker; housing, and transportation services The ADRC is one of 670 “Area Agencies on Aging” nationwide established under the federal Older
Americans Act

Spanish speakers may call 908- 527-4863

Workforce Development/American Job Centers

Main Number 908- 527-4812
Fax 908- 527-4885

The Union County Workforce Development Operations provides job training and related services to eligible clients in Union County Workforce Development Operations administers the federal
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) that requires the operation of comprehensive American Job Centers that serve residents and businesses through a united system of job training Services are offered to job seekers, and to employers who need trained, qualified workers

Elizabeth American Job Center
921 Elizabeth Ave, Elizabeth 07201 • Monday through Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Telephone 908- 558-8000
Fax 908- 558-8005

Plainfield American Job Center
200 West 2nd Street, Plainfield 07063 • Monday through Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Telephone 908- 757-9090
Fax 908- 757-9094

Division of Outreach and Advocacy

Main Number 908- 527-4811
Maureen Segale Glenn, Director 908- 527-4838
Elizabeth Sebring, Assistant Director 908- 527-4890
Fax 908- 527-4875

The mission of the Division of Outreach and Advocacy is to raise awareness among residents of Union County government’s existing programs and services; to advocate in response to our citizens’ unmet human services needs; and to respond to those needs with effective, accessible resources and services Through collaboration with other government agencies, community based organizations, and private sector entities, the division provides outreach, advocacy, plus information and referral assistance to residents on topics such as women’s issues, LGBTQ resources, and programs and events for people with special needs

Office of LGBTQ Services

Danni Newbury 908- 527-4742
Fax 908- 527-4875

The Office of LGBTQ services works in collaboration with all county departments and in partnership with non-government advocacy organizations, to develop innovative strategies to help address the needs of the LGBTQ community on issues that include housing, education, health, public safety and community engagement

Office for People with Special Needs

Manuel Ramirez 908- 527-4781
Fax 908- 527-4875

The Office for People with Special Needs partners with community centers, schools, colleges, YMCAs, businesses, support organizations and volunteer groups to present recreation programs at county facilities as well as locations in various  municipalities Programs are for ages five through adult

Office on Women

Jennifer Erdos 908- 527-4216
Fax 908- 527-4875
A resource and advocacy program that serves women of all ages by connecting them with educational, job training, health resources and more to reach their goals and potential

Division of Planning

Melissa Lespinasse, Director 908- 527-4883
Christina Topolosky, Assistant Director 908- 527-4839
Fax 908- 558-2562

Plans, implements and manages a variety of social/supportive services through contract administration and/or direct provision of services, with oversight and guidance provided by Freeholder-appointed advisory boards: Human Services Advisory Council, Homeless Trust Fund Advisory Board, Local Advisory Committee on Alcoholism & Drug Abuse, Mental Health Board, Advisory Board on the Disabled Provides information and referral for service

Alcoholism and Drug Abuse

Main Number 908- 527-4844

Information and referral on alcoholism and drug abuse treatment, prevention and education, including detoxification treatment programs, residential and aftercare services

Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC)

Cheryl Hathaway-Spirito 908- 527-4804

The IDRC is a state mandated program funded by DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) client fees DWI offenders are required to attend a Court ordered 12-hour, two-day education/prevention program to determine if a driver’s license can be restored or if further treatment is warranted

Mental Health Services

Main Number 908- 527-4846

Information and referral regarding consultations, education, emergencies, in and outpatient services, partial and residential care

Homeless/Continuum of Care

Samantha Carpio, Coordinator 908- 527-4874
Provides information and referral on safety-net services to promote self sufficiency for the
homeless and at-risk homeless populations Referral services include: cash assistance for rent,
security, food and utilities; transitional or permanent/supportive housing and emergency shelter

Office for the Disabled

Leslie Gutierrez 908- 527-4807
TTY – please dial 711

Advances greater independence for people with disabilities through advocacy and information and referral services on topics including accessibility, the Americans with Disabilities Act, assistive technology, education, employment, housing, legal assistance, recreation and transportation Administers the Personal Assistance Services Program, which enables people with
physical disabilities to live and work independently

Rape Crisis Center

300 North Avenue East, Westfield 07090

Tamara Adelman 908- 233-RAPE (7273)
Fax 908- 654-0260

Offers a range of network services to survivors of sexual assault Services include crisis counseling through a 24/7 hotline and accompaniment to hospitals, police stations, and court by trained confidential sexual violence advocates Additional services include prevention and education for schools and community groups

Division of Social Services

Charles Gillon, Director 908- 965-3706

Provides food, shelter, and medical assistance to those who are income eligible through federal and state programs including Temporary Aid for Needy Families (TANF), General Assistance (GA), Food Stamps (SNAP), and free vaccines for children, among others The Division provides direct support for families and individuals in need of assistance Provides welfare-to-work support services including child care, transportation, food and shelter supports, and job training Nursing home and pharmaceutical services are provided to those who are income eligible Also provided are free immunizations for eligible children under age 18

Elizabeth Office
342 Westminster Avenue, Elizabeth 07208
J Alan McGarry 908- 965-2895
Fax 908- 965-2752

Plainfield Office
200 West 2nd Street, Plainfield 07060
Telephone 908- 791-7000
Fax 908- 791-7098

Immunization Center

40 Parker Road Elizabeth, NJ 07208

Farnia Bashaw, RN, Public Health Nurse( 908) 965-3627
Fax  908- 558-6924

Provides the full series of vaccines suggested by the CDC to any child under 19 years of age, who meet the criteria for the US Department of Health and Human Service Center for Disease  Control and Prevention’s vaccine for children program without charge

Division of Youth Services

288 North Broad St, Suite 3A Elizabeth, NJ 07208

Hawa Bonds, Director 908- 558-2520
Fax 908- 558-2547

Administers programs and services to enhance the health, safety and well-being of youth and their families The Division provides services for at-risk youth and their families, including counseling and referral services, parent support groups, and initiatives designed to reduce high risk behavior among youth

Family Crisis Intervention Union (FCIU)

Karen Robinson, Supervisor 908- 558-2520

24/7 family crisis intervention; emergency youth shelter placements; delinquency prevention programs

Client Services & Community Outreach

Norma Marcela Nunez, Client Svc & Community Coordinator 908- 558-2520
Project Management including strategic information tracking and marketing initiatives
Ray Cotto, Community Svc Specialist 908- 558-2520

Community Service and Shoplifting Prevention Programs