Show your Support | Become a Sponsor
Contributions for our door prizes and gift bags are also appreciated
[ezcol_1half]Receive name rights, one table of reserved seating for your organization/ guests, the opportunity to deliver
remarks to our audience during lunch, and your company’s logo displayed during lunch. Also included at this level of sponsorship is an informational booth; your company’s logo featured on all signage, market/ press kits and on our website; a full·page ad in our program; and the opportunity to add marketing material of your choice to our gift bags.
$3,000 – Limited to one
Receive one table of reserved sealing for your organization/ guests, an informational booth, your company’s logo featured on all signage, marketing/press kits and on our website; special acknowledgement during the networking reception; a full·page ad in our program; and the opportunity to add marketing material of your choice to our gift bags.
Receive 4 tickets for the Summit, your company’s logo featured on all signage, marketing/press kits and on our website, a half-page ad in our program, and the opportunity to add marketing material of your choice to our gift bag.
Your company will be listed as a contributing sponsor in our program, named on event signage, and your company’s link and logo will be featured on our website.
Your company will be listed as a contributing sponsor in our program and company’s link and logo will be featured on our website.