Kamal Saleh
Phone: 908-527-4268 | Fax: 908-527-4901
Visit the Union County Planning Board’s website
The Bureau of Planning and Land Use assures that the County complies with all state planning statutes and regulations, including the review of site plans and subdivisions. A central repository of all local Master Plans and zoning ordinances is maintained.
The Bureau provides support staff for the County Planning Board and the County’s involvement in the State Cross Acceptance Process. Staff also serves as a conduit between municipalities regarding planning information, municipal redevelopment efforts and Brownfield/ Greyfield information. The Bureau applies for and secures federal and state grant funding for Smart Growth Studies, Brownfields/Greyfields and any other planning related studies.
As the designated “Negotiating Entity” the staff coordinates the State Plan’s Cross Acceptance and Endorsement process for the County and its municipalities. This process was established by the state to update its State Development and Redevelopment Plan (State Plan). The objective of this process is two-fold, one to update the State Plan and second, to foster communication and consistency of plans at the local level.
The Bureau develops and maintains a County Master Plan, County Land Development Ordinance, Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) and the Transportation Circulation Plan for the County. These plans and other study efforts outline potential economic development opportunities while providing the principles and strategies to guide economic growth and enhance the quality of life in Union County.