An Ordinance fixing the salary of the Director of the Department of Human Services.
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Bond ordinance to authorize the making of various public improvements and the acquisition of new additional or replacement equipment and machinery, new additional furnishings, new communication and signal systems equipment, new information technology and telecommunications equipment and new automotive vehicles and a new fire engine, including original apparatus and equipment, in, by and for the County of Union, State of New Jersey, to appropriate the sum of $72,389,463 to pay the cost thereof, to appropriate state grants and a contribution from Union County College, to make a down payment, to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds.
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Bond Ordinance to amend the following Bond Ordinances previously adopted by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Union, State of New Jersey: (1) Bond Ordinance No. 740-2012 adopted on September 13, 2012, as previously amended by Bond Ordinance No. 760-2014 adopted on October 9, 2014; (2) Bond Ordinance No. 752-2013 adopted on August 22, 2013, as previously amended by Bond Ordinance No. 760-2014 adopted on October 9, 2014; and (3) Bond Ordinance No. 759-2014 adopted on September 11, 2014.
An Ordinance to amend “The Laws of Union County: Administrative Code and Policies and General Legislation” by amending Part 1, Chapter 1, Article XVI, Department of Human Services; Article XX, Department Of Correctional Services; Article XXIV, Department of Economic Development.; Chapter 49, Fees, Article V, Engineering & Public Works fees to add § 49-10. Article; and Chapter 128, Smoking Policy.
An Ordinance fixing the salaries of the County Counsel and department heads.
An ordinance to amend the Union County Administrative Code, Chapter 1, Union County government structure, article xxi-department of public safety, § 1-128. Office of Health Management by adding § 1-128 (1)(t) authorizing the health officer to perform inspections and issue permits to food vendors on county properties.
An ordinance of the County of Union, State of New Jersey authorizing the guaranty of the payment of the principal of and interest on not to exceed $8,000,000 aggregate principal amount of county guaranteed lease revenue bonds, series 2016 (Union County Family Court Building Project- Elizabeth), issued by the Union County Improvement Authority, for the purpose of providing additional security therefor and determining certain other matters in connection therewith.