
Call 908-789-3683 for more information

The Watchung Reservation, Union County’s largest park has over 26 miles of bridle & approximately 13 miles of marked hiking trails. Maintaining and repairing these trails can be difficult, but with help from trail users this job can be made easier.

Hikers, equestrians, nature lovers and other trail users are invited to attend an Adopt-A-Trail orientation meeting.

Adopters make a two year commitment to adopt a trail or a section of a trail. The trail needs to be monitored and maintained at least four times a year and a trail report submitted each time.

Examples of Seasonal Maintenance

  • Clearing of drainage ditches
  • Pruning vegetation along trails as needed
  • Picking up litter
  • Removing small blow downs (fallen trees)
  • Reporting of larger blow downs and water/erosion
  • Reblazing (marking) trails

Benefits to the Adopt-A-Trail Program

  • A sense of self satisfaction and accomplishment
  • Learning new skills
  • A chance to give back to the trail system you use
  • Opportunity to work outdoors in a natural setting