Our Mission
The Union County Office of Cultural and Heritage Affairs promotes and develops public interest and participation in the arts and local, county and state history, and ensures that all residents have the opportunity to share in and benefit from the rich multi-cultural arts, history and historic resources in Union County.
Activities enhance quality of life, economic development, community revitalization, growth of cultural-heritage tourism and educational experiences for residents of all ages.
Programs and Services
- arts programs such as Teen Arts, the Senior Art Exhibit, and the Commissioners’ Gallery
- history events and programs, such as Four Centuries in a Weekend
- lectures focused on history, culture and poetry
- publications about local history
- funding opportunities through three grant programs
Award-Winning Programs
The National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Awards honor innovative, effective county government programs. Union County has been recognized with several NACo Achievement Awards in recent years for presentations and programs from the Office of Cultural & Heritage Affairs, including a traveling photo exhibit celebrating “100 Years of Union County Parks.”