Public Info

Train to be an Umpire in 2012: Classes for New Softball Umpires Begin Feb. 27

Men and women who enjoy the game of softball can be a part of the game by becoming certified Amateur Softball Association (ASA) softball umpires. The Greater Union County ASA Softball Umpires Association, in cooperation with the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders and the Union County Department of Parks and Community Renewal, will conduct its annual softball umpires training program beginning Monday, February 27.

The training classes will take place from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Monday evenings from Feb. 27 through April 2 at the Union County Administration Building in Elizabeth. The cost of this six-week umpiring course is $150. The classes are open to men and women, 18 years of age and older, who are interested in umpiring softball games.

For more information and registration details, please contact the Union County, New Jersey, Amateur Softball Association office of  Keith Benovengo at (908) 313-0983, email:; or Bill Smith at (908) 259-0154, email:; or visit:

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