Gala for Miss Italy – The embrace of riberesi Clarissa

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Last but not least, at the conclusion of the trip in Canada and New York, Miss Clarissa Italy Marchese received Monday night at the Renaissance Hotel in Elizabeth, New Jersey the collective embrace of his countrymen of Ribera that abound in the Garden State.
With tricolor sash of Miss Italy, Clarissa has made its entry in the hall to applause, wearing a long dress in light blue with the crown of queen, surrounded by a group of diligent children who have competed to deliver flowers.
To receive the eleventh Sicilian to win the title of Miss Italy, his fellow citizens residing in and around Elizabeth have even prepared an ad hoc committee that organized the gala in his honor.
The evening was attended by members and families of Ribera Italian American Cultural Center, in addition to guests including Mayor Elizabeth Christian Bollwage, the president of the city council and the mayor Manuel Grova Ribera Carmelo Pace and the chairman of the Cultural Center of Elizabeth Stefano Bongiovi.
“I am excited at the welcome gala in my honor, after many visits and institutional meetings” said Clarissa, demand among its friends overseas who know the mother Marisa Fidanza present at the event, was born and raised in Elizabeth, before returning to live in Ribera.
Twenty years, a gorgeous smile, a typical Mediterranean beauty, hair and brown eyes, 1.78 meters high, Clarissa was crowned in Jesolo and has expressed a desire to cross the ocean and go to visit as an “ambassador good will “to raise awareness of global issues such as poverty and disease.
“I countrymen in Ribera Ribera in Italy and in America” began the mayor Peace. “I do not know where they are more, I can definitely say that the most affectionate, those who want more good, not to me but to the city of Ribera, are citizens who are in America.”
Carmelo Pace told to America Today his experience among riberesi here during the frequent visits.
“Tale experiences, emotions and affection that come to me as mayor, not because my name is Carmelo Pace, but because I represent the city and the citizens who live in Ribera who have not experienced these emotions can not understand, even through my words, through the images. You straordinatrio, is something exceptional bond that still exists between citizens ribanesi in America and hometown. “
And while the younger generation Italian-American running in search of their roots, history and culture, the mayor expressed his hope that the relationship that joins the Atlantic remains solid.
“I hope that this research and the relationship can continue over time.”
Then, speaking in particular of those abroad, Pace added: “The love even more the citizens of Ribera and not only in words. I riberesi overseas have been extremely generous in building our orphanage and for many years have contributed its maintenance. Every day there are demonstrations of affection and solidarity with the neediest citizens who live in Ribera “.
Will be celebrated oranges dell’agrigentino that nourish the future queens for the title of Miss: last year another girl Ribera had come second, this year has risen to Olympus Clarissa Marquis.
“This year we were lucky with the most beautiful in Italy. Now – added the mayor kidding – there is a scientific explanation: it means that oranges of Ribera they become beautiful girls and ouncil at all.”
Liborio Firetto did the honors by completing the evening’s program with professional make.
“It is the first time that I happen to present Miss Italy and I’m very proud. They are thoroughbreds riberese” Firetto assured that the question of whether they are more numerous here in Italy or his fellow citizens, he replied “half are here, many maintain Italian citizenship. “
Foil drew a little picture of the desire of exciting new generations to discover the origins through return trips and the Italian language.
“I have two sons who are so proud, went to Italy and again, especially when they were younger and wanted impapare the Italian language because they wanted to interact with friends, family and anyone who met”.