Union County, NJ – The popular Union County Child Safety Seat Inspection Program will be up and running this week at its new location, the Garwood Rescue Squad at 401 2nd Avenue in Garwood.
This week, the Seat Inspection Program will be open on Wednesday, February 4 and Thursday, February 5, 7:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. No appointment is necessary. Union County also periodically hosts bicycle safety events. A free bicycle helmet, provided by the County of Union with funds from a NJDHTS Traffic Safety Education Grant, will be given on a first-come, first-served basis to caregivers using the Seat Inspection Program this week. A bicycle helmet decorating station will be set up for children during the event.
After this week, the program will be open every Wednesday and Thursday (except holidays), 7:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. No appointment necessary.
The proper use of child safety seats is one of the simplest and most effective methods available for protecting the lives of young children in the event of a motor vehicle accident.
“If you have a baby or small child in your care, please come and take advantage of this free program, and make sure your safety seat is properly adjusted,” said Union County Freeholder Chairman Mohamed S. Jalloh. “Our experts can help you get familiar with a new seat, and they can help you spot any problems with an older seat.”
Union County first launched the Child Safety Seat Inspection Program in 1999, in response to surveys showing that the overwhelming majority of child safety seats are improperly installed, even though most users are confident that they know the correct procedure.
Since 1999, approximately 50,000 Union County residents and visitors have used the Seat Inspection Program. It is staffed by personnel from the County’s Department of Public Safety, who are certified by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and by the organization SafeKids. The program is credited with saving at least one life, when a toddler survived a 2008 vehicle rollover shortly after the seat was properly adjusted by County personnel.
The child seat inspection program is provided as a public service by the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Union County Police Department, New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety, AAA Northeast – NJ Division, and the Garwood First Aid Squad.
For more information about Union County’s Child Safety Seat Inspection Program visit ucnj.org or call 908-789-6830.
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