Assemblyman Jamel Holley led the groundbreaking and was joined by Union County Freeholders Chairman Bruce H. Bergen, Vice Chairman Sergio Granados, Freeholders Alexander Mirabella and Vernell Wright and Assemblywoman Annette Quijano at the site of Roselle’s “Mind and Body Complex,” a multi-use facility that will house a new public library, a pre-K and Kindergarten and a recreation center. Also in attendance were Borough Council and Board of Education members, library officials and representatives of the Union County Improvement Authority.
The $56 million project, located between Harrison and Chandler Avenues, has undergone nearly three years of careful planning and community vetting and has been lauded for its cross-agency planning and financing that includes Roselle, Roselle Public Schools, the Union County Improvement Authority and the County of Union.
(Photo by Jim Lowney/County of Union)