Calendar of Events

Events Calendar

Welcome to the calendar – your reliable resource for upcoming events in Union County!

Experience the joy of the seasons through our vibrant and engaging events that the whole family will love. Scroll below and explore the upcoming educational programs, networking mixers, career opportunities, and inclusive recreational activities taking place in your community. Be sure to check back often as we are constantly updating!

December 14th & 15th (Sat and Sun)

Tickets can be purchased online at or at the door

At the Door: $10/adult, $5/child, $8/seniors

Children age 2 and under admitted FREE. 

The Holiday Train Show and Open House at Union County’s Model Railroad Club runs on weekends from Friday November 29 to Sunday, December 15

The show features show train operations where special trains traverse the club’s huge 11,000 square foot layout.

Parents and kids can tour the trains and layout up-close, and get an insider’s peek at the expansion that’s currently under construction. See how track is being hand-laid, how mountains and scenery are created, and find out about the planning and engineering that goes into the club’s bi-level corkscrew loop. In addition to the HO-scale trains featured in the show, there are G-scale and N-scale layouts on display, a small play area, and gift shop.

By popular demand in celebration of our 75th anniversary we are pleased to announce that Jenny is coming home. Each hour at the bottom of the hour Jenny will make a return to tell her story of growing up on along our Trenton Northern railroad.


  • Three Weekends: Nov 29-Dec 1, Dec 7-Dec 8, and Dec 14-15
  • Opening Day, Fri, Nov. 29 – 11 am – 6 pm       
  • Saturdays (Nov 30, Dec 7 & 14), 11 am – 6 pm
  • Sundays (Dec 1, Dec 8 & 15), 11am – 6pm
  • Jenny show times: 11:30, 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30


  • The Model Railroad Club, Inc. – Free Parking! 
  • Jefferson Avenue, off Route 22 East, Union Township, NJ 
  • (Behind The Home Depot)
  • Building is Wheelchair-Accessible.



Tim McCollum | 908-964-9724 |

The Model Railroad Club, Inc. is a tax-exempt public charity affiliated with the Union County, NJ Department of Parks and Community Renewal.

All proceeds support the operations of The Model Railroad Club, Inc., one of the largest railroad clubs in New Jersey. The Club has approximately 170 volunteer members who help to fulfill the mission of the club to educate the general public about the railroads and the industries they served in the New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania areas.

Additional Winter Activities

Local libraries are the perfect place to read and study, but did you know they host a variety of fun events for all ages throughout the year? Whether you’re in the mood to read the latest mystery novel, are new to the neighborhood and would like to meet the locals, or need ideas to entertain restless little ones, don’t let the cold weather keep you inside! Your neighborhood library has much more beyond books to explore.

The list of recreational activities includes movie nights, game nights, book clubs, storytimes, and even sing-alongs! Visit your local library today to learn more.

Our newly renovated Warinanco Sports Center is open all season long, offering affordable, family-friendly activities that include public ice-skating sessions, open hockey, private party rentals, and events for individuals with disabilities.

The café and snack bar nestled within the sports center offers plenty of seating, with snacks and refreshments available for purchase during your visit. With so many fun activities to choose from, we invite you to join us on the ice!

Parents with children ages 3 and under are invited to our Toddler Time program at the Trailside Nature & Science Center to connect with the natural world. Activities will take place on Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. or Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. or 11:00 a.m., as indicated below. Please dress appropriately for the outdoors and bring a baby carrier or sling as strollers are not recommended. Maximum 4 family members per class.

The fee is $10 for residents, and $12 for non-residents. Registration is required. Click here to register or visit for more information.

For event cancellations or changes, please contact Trailside Nature and Science Center at 908-789-3670 or visit

Saturday, November 23rd: Naturally Artistic

Our Back to Nature walks are an excellent way for families with children ages 4 and older to spend time together in the great outdoors, enjoying Union County’s largest park, the Watchung Reservation.

The fee is $8 for residents and $10 for non-residents. Registration is required for adults and children. Click here to register or visit for more information.

For event cancellations or changes, please contact Trailside Nature and Science Center at 908-789-3670 or visit

Saturday, November 23rd: Lenape Life

Sensory Friendly Theatre

These sensory-friendly performances are designed to provide an enjoyable experience for children and adults experiencing autism and other sensory sensitivities.

Activities for Persons with Disabilities & Special Needs

December 14th

Click here to register. To learn more about our inclusive events, visit

Activities and Services for Seniors

Farmers Market vouchers are now available for eligible Union County seniors. Each eligible senior can obtain a $50 e-benefit card to purchase “Jersey Fresh” fruits, vegetables, and herbs at participating Farmers Markets.

For more information about the Farmers’ Market nutrition program, or any services provided by the Division on Aging and Disability Resource in the Union County Department of Human Services, call 1-888-280-8226, or visit online at

Residents seeking information about services for seniors and their care givers can come to Union County’s Aging Services Kiosk events and meet in person with professional staff for guidance on senior programs and resources, including help with filling out applications and forms.

ASK is a program of the Union County Department of Human Services through the Division on Aging and Disability Resources, serving seniors age 60+ and their care givers. Staff at the ASK events can help seniors and care givers connect with a variety of services including home delivered meals, respite care, home care, adult day care and support services for caregivers.

Any Union County senior or care giver can visit any ASK event, regardless of their hometown. No appointment or pre-registration is needed. Visit for upcoming dates.

Transform your life experiences into a one-of-a-kind biographical performance at UCPAC’s Hamilton stage!

The Stories of a Lifetime Workshop is an exciting three-week program exclusive to Union County seniors, ages 65 and up. Participants will engage in fun improvisation exercises, learn new writing techniques, and develop their unique story under the guidance of a professional playwright. The free workshop concludes with a special showcase where improv actors will perform your story for your friends and family. Registration is required. Register here or call 732-499-8226. Visit to learn more.

Volunteer Opportunities in 2025

Start the New Year with purpose and generosity by volunteering in your community!

Do you love nature and being outdoors? If so, now is the time to get involved by joining the Union County Trail Stewards!

The Union County Board of County Commissioners and the Union County Department of Parks & Recreation invite all nature-loving residents to help preserve our local parks by becoming a Trail Steward through Union County’s Adopt-A-Trail Program.  Click here to register or learn about the important role a Trail Steward plays in maintaining Union County’s hiking trails and pathways.

If you love gardening, have a passion for teaching, and want to contribute to your community, consider joining the Master Gardeners of Union County!

The Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Union County is now recruiting volunteers for the 2025 Master Gardener Program, offering residents 18 years and older interested in volunteering the opportunity to learn or enhance their gardening and horticulture skills while assisting Rutgers professionals in educating the public. Click here to register or visit the Master Gardeners website at for more information.

Are you passionate about the environment and eager to create a positive impact in your community?

  Look no further than the Rutgers Environmental Stewards Program! This dynamic program empowers individuals to learn from leading scientists and environmental experts about critical issues facing New Jersey. For more information or to register for the Rutgers Environmental Stewards Program,visit If you are committed to environmental stewardship, willing to learn, and ready to volunteer, this program is for you!

For additional volunteer opportunities, click here or visit

Workshops • Networking Events • Seminars

Stay tuned for upcoming networking mixers and conferences in 2025. For the latest updates, visit


As we prepare for our 2025 recycling program schedules, please call 908-654-9890 or visit for any recycling tips, questions or more information.

Cultural Events Around the County

Feb. 15
2 pm
THEATRE (FREE in-person event)

Original New Play: INTAKE: HEAVEN — A Live Reading from The Theater Project

Cheru and Lamer are angels whose job it is to run Heaven’s Intake office. When a living human somehow manages to enter without proper vetting, the angels have to explain the human condition to her while convincing her to view other people with an understanding of their own histories.

Audience Q&A discussion with playwright Sheila Duane follows the reading. Sheila Duane’s play have been produced at theaters


Cranford Community Center
220 Walnut Ave., Cranford

Feb. 21 – Mar. 8
Fri & Sat at 8 pm, Sun at 2 pm
THEATRE (in person)

The Crucible

In a world where fear fuels division and truth is often under siege, Arthur Miller’s The Crucible is more relevant than ever. Set during the Salem witch trials, this gripping drama explores how hysteria, suspicion, and the hunger for power can destroy lives—and how courage can challenge the tide. With striking parallels to today’s social and political struggles,

The Crucible will leave you questioning the cost of integrity and the power of standing up for what’s right. Don’t miss this electrifying story.

Playhouse lobby, auditorium, lounge, and lobby restroom are fully accessible and ADA-compliant. For assistance with elevator, please see a Playhouse volunteer upon arrival.

Feb. 26
12 noon

African Americans in Labor

Union County presents this presentation by Petal Robertson, Executive Secretary of the NJ Education Association, in celebration of Black History Month. This free event will be held in the Victor M. Richel Student Commons at the Cranford Campus of UCNJ Union College of Union County, NJ.

UCNJ Union College of Union County, NJ
1033 Springfield Ave., Cranford NJ

Feb 28-Mar 2
Fri & Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2 pm
THEATRE (virtual)

Think Fast: A Virtual Short-Play Competition

Join theatergoers from all over North America to enjoy and be a part of live theater from the comfort of your own home as a voter in THINK FAST, a virtual short-play competition from Friday thru Sunday, presented by The Theater Project. See seven recorded plays, each running no longer than 15 minutes.

After the performances, audience members vote for their favorite play. The play with the most votes receives the Audience Favorite award in a virtual ceremony following the Sunday performance, when a panel of judges will also present the winners in four categories: Judges’ Favorite ($500 prize), Best Actor, Best Actress, and Best Director.

Live audience talkbacks follow the Fri/Sat evening performances.