Halloween will soon be here with all its spooky fun for the kids. And as they go about enjoying the treats, the trick is for us adults to use some common sense to keep them safe.
Since Halloween falls on a Wednesday this year, consider the weekend before a time when more youngsters will be out and about going to parties and other festivities. Besides the trick-or-treating on the holiday itself, some towns are hosting parades on that weekend. Be on the lookout for costume-clad youngsters in your travels.
When you are driving be alert and aware there will be extra pedestrian traffic. The speed limit in most residential neighborhoods is 25 mph but when children are out trick-or-treating it’s a good idea to drive even slower. Keep in mind that kids may attempt to cross mid-block or between parked cars.
Also, some children may be difficult to see if they are wearing dark costumes. Some kids who are wearing masks will have an obstructed view of cars. These are details we need to think about.
If your older kids are going out trick-or-treating on their own, remind them about crossing streets properly and safely. Also, make sure they carry flashlights and use reflective tape or stickers on costumes and treat bags. Never let the little ones go trick-or-treating without a trust-worthy and responsible adult.
Know the route your kids will be taking if you aren’t going with them. Let them know that they are to check in with you every hour, by phone or by stopping back at home.
Remind your children to never, ever go into a stranger’s house or even stop and speak with a stranger on the street when out trick-or-treating. Explain that some adults are bad and want to hurt children and that they should never get into a car or go anywhere with a stranger. But if this should this happen, tell them to scream as loud as they can and to run away as fast as they can to someplace safe.
Be safe and smart before the fun even starts. Help your young child pick out or make a costume that will be safe. Make sure that it is fire proof. If they are wearing a mask of any kind, make sure that the eye holes are large enough for good peripheral vision.
Simply going over these common sense tips with your kids can make for a safe and fun holiday.
Dressing up yourself and going out trick-or-tricking with the kids is also a great way to enjoy the fun while making sure the youngsters are safe.
Have a Safe and Happy Halloween.
Ralph Froehlich
Union County Sheriff