Public Info

“Looking at Lincoln: Greatness Transformed”

Union County Freeholders Bruce Bergen (L) and Bette Jane Kowalski (2nd L) joined Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi and Union County Sheriff Ralph Froehlich (R) in welcoming Dr. Jonathan Lurie of Rutgers University to the Union County Courthouse where he delivered a lecture on President Abraham Lincoln. Sponsored by the Union County Civil War Sesquicentennial Committee, the event was entitled “Looking at Lincoln: Greatness Transformed” and included exhibits about the Civil War and a special display case focusing on Lincoln’s presidency.

The Civil War Exhibition is on display until 2015 in the rotunda of the Union County Courthouse, 2 Broad Street in historic midtown Elizabeth. The exhibit may be viewed weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The displays will change from time to time. Anyone wishing to loan historical artifacts from the Civil War era for the exhibit can contact committee member Katherine Craig at 908-282-7617. All objects will be secured, locked and acknowledged.


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