Public Info

Trailside Offers “Aquatic WILD” Teacher-Training Workshop, March 21

MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ – The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders is pleased to offer an “Aquatic WILD” teacher-training workshop for teachers of grades K-12, at Trailside Nature and Science Center in Mountainside on Thursday, March 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

“The health of our water supply is becoming a topic of increasing concern,” said Freeholder Chairman Linda Carter. “This teacher-training workshop offers techniques for educating our students and making them aware of the issues, in a comprehensive and enjoyable program.”

Trailside is offering this new workshop, which is part of the Project WILD curriculum, for teachers in K-12 to learn new ideas and activities to bring back to the classroom. Developed by the Council for Environmental Education, in compliance with the New Jersey Core Curriculum standards, Project WILD Aquatic emphasizes aquatic wildlife and ecosystems. Based on the premise that young people and educators alike have an interest in learning about our natural world, this program underscores wildlife’s intrinsic value and addresses the need for us all to be responsible stewards of our planet.

Hands-on activities are designed for integration into existing courses of study for formal and non-formal educators. Participants receive six NJDOE professional education credits. A guidebook is included and morning refreshments will be served. The fee is $25 per person.


Pre-registration is preferred as space is limited. Walk-ins are welcome as space permits.

For additional information about this event or other upcoming programs and special events at Trailside, please call 908-789-3670 or visit us on the web at Trailside Nature and Science Center is located at 452 New Providence Road in Mountainside and is a service of the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders.


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