Union County, NJ – Volunteer 4-H Master Tree Stewards of Union County gathered to receive an Environmental Hero award at Watchung Reservation earlier this month, in recognition of their community projects and educational programs reaching thousands of school children each year. Joined by spouses, County staff, Freeholder Chairman Linda Carter (3rd from r.) and Freeholder Bette Jane Kowalski (4th from r.), the group included Dean Talcott of Fanwood, Lena Golden of Gillette, Claire Minick of Mountainside, Joan Burns of Elizabeth, Jean Crichton of Summit, Linda Jacks of Cranford, Gail Sweeney of Clark, Sandy Ciasco of Westfield, Sue Sabo-Innocenti of Watchung, Ken Ilgavizis of Mountainside, Dolores Batz Culp of Scotch Plains, Martha Mahady of Vernon, Sheila Godbee of Elizabeth, and Rutgers Extension 4-H Agent James Nichnadowicz (with certificate). Master Tree Stewards is a program of Rutgers Cooperative Extension, supported in part by the Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders. Information: contact James Nichnadowicz, 908-654-9854 or jnichnadowicz@ucnj.org.