Union County, NJ – Wildlife experts are predicting that more frequent black bear sightings will occur in Union County and throughout New Jersey, so now is a good time to add to your store of information about these shy but powerful creatures.
Union County residents are invited to attend a free public talk on black bears hosted by Azure Masada Lodge #22 and conducted by the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife on Monday, November 17, 8:00 – 10:00 p.m. Azure Masada Lodge #22 is located at 478 South Avenue East in Cranford.
“In the past, black bear sightings were not unusual in the western part of Union County, but in recent years they have wandered into some of our more densely populated areas,” said Freeholder Chairman Christopher Hudak. “Wherever you live in Union County, it’s important for you to know how to avoid tempting bears into your neighborhood, and to know what to do if you see a bear.”
The public talk at Azure Masada Lodge will cover the natural history and biology of the black bear, practical information about coexisting with bears, and how to handle a bear encounter.
“The experts are here to help you clear your property of items that are attractive to bears, such as improperly stored garbage, and they will give you their recommendations for protecting yourself when you do see a bear.”
For more information about Azure Masada Lodge #22 and the black bear talk, visit 10thdistrictnj.org or contact John F. Dziedzic, W.M., 908-377-2376 or jdcz1@yahoo.com.
For more information on black bears in New Jersey visit the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife atstate.nj.us/dep/fgw/bearfactsm.
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