Union County, NJ – Notaries Public are invited to attend the next session of New Jersey Notary Training, an educational seminar for Notaries Public hosted by Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi, together with Union County Surrogate James LaCorte, Esq., who will present the legal aspects of the functions of notaries public.
Ms. Rajoppi will open the seminar and review the application process for Notaries.
“This series of seminars has proved to be helpful for current Notaries Public who wish to refresh their skills and stay up to date on their profession, as well as for new Notaries,” said Ms. Rajoppi.
The seminar series is an ongoing service of the County Clerk.
“The response has been very enthusiastic, so if you are interested in attending please sign up now because space is limited,” said Ms. Rajoppi.
The next session is scheduled for Friday, March 3, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the John H. Stamler Police Academy, 1776 Raritan Road in Scotch Plains.
Dress code at the Police Academy is strictly enforced: business casual is required and men must wear collared shirts. No jeans or sneakers are permitted.
To register, use the downloadable registration form on the County Clerk’s website, ucnj.org/county-clerk or contact Donna Connell, at 908-527-4999 or dconnell@ucnj.org.
The course is limited to 50 attendees and the registration fee of $5.00 is required in advance.
The deadline for registration is Friday, February 24.
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