Public Info

Union County Residents Can Help Plan Ahead for Senior Services

Union County, NJ – The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders invites residents age 60 and older to attend a public meeting to discuss their concerns and needs. The meeting will be hosted by staff of the Union County Division on Aging and Disability Resource Connection on Tuesday, July 24, at the Buckle Center, 25 Wavecrest Avenue in Winfield Park, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Information from the meeting will become part of Union County’s Area Plan on Aging for the years 2019 to 2021.

“This public meeting is an opportunity for Union County residents to be part of the process and make their voices heard as we plan ahead for senior services in the coming years,” said Freeholder Chairman Granados. “Attendees at the meeting will discuss available services, identify service gaps and explore ways in which our Division on Aging and Disability Resource Connection can be of additional assistance.”

The Union County Division on Aging and Disability Resource (ADRC) is one of 670 Area Agencies on Aging established nationwide under the federal Older Americans Act, serving seniors age 60 and older.

“As of 2016, seniors age 60 and older accounted for 19.6 percent of Union County’s total population,” said Chairman Granados. “This is a large and very diverse group, and participation from the public helps to ensure that our planning documents are based on comprehensive information about their needs.”

The US Census Bureau has estimated a total population of 563,892 for Union County as of July 2017.

ADRC coordinates senior services with the New Jersey Department of Human Services through the Area Plan on Aging, which is updated at regular intervals. The plan describes service needs as identified by senior residents, establishes priorities, and explains how the federal Older Americans Act and state funding will be used to reach plan goals.

ADRC provides information and assistance to residents and is the link to services for older adults and caregivers, focusing on promoting choice for older adults so they can age in place with dignity. ADRC prioritizes services to promote independence with home care, legal services and wellness programs including home delivered meals, 24 nutrition sites offering lunch daily throughout the county, and the Farmers Market food voucher summer program. The State Respite Program and Jersey Assistance for Community Caregiving Program programs are also coordinated at ADRC to provide respite services for caregivers.

For more information about the Union County Division on Aging and Disability Resource Connection, call 908-527-4870 or the division’s toll-free number: 1-888-280-8226, or visit the Union County government website at

Spanish speakers can call ADRC at 908-527-4863, and printed information is available in both  English and Spanish.

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