Union County, NJ – The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders reminds residents that support and guidance for victims of sexual violence is available through the Union County Rape Crisis Center, a 24/7 hotline that connects victims with trained, volunteer advocates.
The advocates provide guidance by phone and may also accompany victims for medical, legal and other services.
“Victims of sexual violence come from all walks of life, and the events of the past few weeks underscore the need for a supportive, non-judgmental source of reliable information and guidance that is available to everyone,” said Freeholder Chairman Sergio Granados. “Our volunteer advocates perform an invaluable service for residents who are facing a life crisis, and I encourage anyone needing assistance to call the Rape Crisis Center at 908-233-7273.
The Rape Crisis Center has been a volunteer program of the Union County Department of Human Services since 1984. For more information about the program and its services, visit the Rape Crisis Center blog at unioncountyrapecrisiscenter.blogspot.com, call 908-233-7273 or email rcc@ucnj.org.
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