Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi will host a Notary Training Seminar for New Jersey Notaries Public at the John H. Stamler Police Academy, Second Floor Multipurpose Room, at 1776 Raritan Road in Scotch Plains on Friday, September 6, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi will make opening remarks and review the application process. Union County Surrogate James LaCorte, Esq. will speak about the legal aspects of the functions of notaries public.
“The notary training seminar is designed to provide notaries with insight and information from experienced, knowledgeable professionals in the community,” said Ms. Rajoppi. “The course covers all aspects of being a notary.”
The seminar will cover the steps for proper notarization and other topics, including how to complete a notary journal and how to examine identification documents. Coffee and a light breakfast will be served.
“The seminar is also popular with current notaries who wish to ensure that they are up to date on issues affecting notaries,” said Ms. Rajoppi. “We offer this opportunity as a professional course that benefits the whole community, and all are welcome.”
To register, use the downloadable form on the County Clerk website, ucnj.org/county-clerk. If you have any questions, contact Donna Connell, 908-527-4999 or dconnell@ucnj.org.
Space is limited to the first 50 registrants.
A registration fee of $10.00 includes a light breakfast and is required in advance to secure registration.
Attendees should note that the Business Casual dress code at the John J. Stamler Police Academy is strictly enforced. Jeans and sneakers are not permitted, and men must wear shirts with collars.
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