FAQs about Vote-by-Mail have been posted on the Union County Clerk’s elections website, unioncountyvotes.com, and on the free Union County Votes mobile app.
Union County, NJ – Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi urges voters to familiarize themselves with Vote-by-Mail procedures in advance of receiving their Vote-by-Mail ballot for the July 7 Primary Election.
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the July 7 election will be conducted primarily by Vote-by-Mail, by order of New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy.
“Vote-by-Mail will be new to many Union County residents. It is important for every voter to understand how to ensure their vote is valid under the new rules, and to ensure their voice is heard on Election Day,” Ms. Rajoppi explained.
“Inaccurate information can easily circulate through social media, which makes it all the more important for voters to familiarize themselves with Vote-by-Mail,” added Ms. Rajoppi. “It is a reliable and accurate way to vote.”
Ms. Rajoppi’s office has already begun mailing ballots to Union County voters, a process that is expected to take approximately three weeks due to the volume of mail involved.
To help voters learn about Vote-by-Mail, Ms. Rajoppi has posted FAQs on the County Clerk’s elections website, unioncountyvotes.com, and on the free Union County Votes mobile app.
Among the most frequently asked questions are:
- Who is going to automatically receive a VBM Ballot?
All active registered Democrats and Republicans will automatically be mailed a VBM Ballot. Please be sure to read and follow the instructions for signing the Ballot.
- Who is going to automatically receive a VBM Ballot Application?
All unaffiliated voters, and inactive Democrat or Republicans voters, will automatically receive a VBM Ballot Application. Please be sure to read and follow the instructions to declare your party affiliation.
After the Application is received by the Union County Clerk’s Office, you will receive a ballot based on the declaration you provided.
- Is there a deadline to submit a VBM Application by mail?
YES. The deadline for the Union County Clerk’s Office to receive a VBM Application by mail is June 30, 2020.
- Is there a deadline to submit a VBM Application in person?
YES. In-person VBM Applications will be accepted by the County Clerk’s Election Office until 8:00 pm on July 7, 2020 (please note that the previous deadline of July 6 at 3:00 p.m. has been suspended).
- Do I need a stamp to mail the VBM Ballot and VBM Application?
- All VBM Ballots and VBM Applications will have prepaid return postage.
For more FAQs about Vote-by-Mail and the July 7 primary, including information on drop-box locations, in-person voting, and voter registration visit unioncountyvotes.com, and on the free Union County Votes mobile app.
For more information about the County Clerk’s election services visit unioncountyvotes.com or contact the Elections Division at 908-527-4996 or ucvote@ucnj.org.
Information and updates on all Union County services during the COVID-19 outbreak, including guidance for the Test Center, is available at ucnj.org/coronavirus-update.
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