Union County, NJ — Work is under way on a new 10-year Master Plan for the public parks and cultural programs of Union County, and the Board of Commissioners is seeking participation from members of the public. The Union County parks system is managed by the Department of Parks and Recreation, which includes the Office of Cultural and Heritage Affairs.
“Now more than ever, our public parks provide an oasis for thousands of residents and visitors every year while helping to support biodiversity and a healthy environment,” said Union County Board of Commissioners Chairman Alexander Mirabella. “We want to preserve and improve this legacy for the next generation. Everyone with an interest in recreation, nature preservation and cultural enrichment can help.”
The Master Plan provides a platform for balancing future needs in recreation, cultural activities and environmental preservation, and for organizing improvements, restoration projects, and programs throughout the entire park system. It is updated every 10 years.
Work is currently under way on Master Plan 2020, which examines the period through 2030.
Members of the public who wish to submit ideas and comments on any aspect of Union County parks and programs of the Office of Cultural and Heritage Affairs can contact Master Plan 2020 by email at UCParks2020@ucnj.org.
To submit by U.S. Postal Service, write to:
UC Parks Master Plan
Union County Department of Parks & Recreation
10 Elizabethtown Plaza
Elizabeth, NJ 07202
The deadline for submitting comments has been extended to April 2, 2021.
To view Master Plan 2010 online, and for more details on all programs and activities in County parks and the Office of Cultural and Heritage Affairs, visit ucnj.org/parks.
The Union County Board of Commissioners is responsible for policies impacting 36 County parks surrounded by a dynamic, densely populated community with a vibrant interest in cultural programs. The original five parks in the system were established in the 1920’s as a response to the growing public demand for nature conservation and public recreation. The park system has more than tripled in size since then, to encompass 6,200 acres.
For more information and updates on all Union County services during the COVID-19 outbreak, including the Drive-Through Test Center at Kean University, the Mobile Test Unit walk-up sites, vaccination information, emergency food distribution and other support services, visit ucnj.org/covid19. General information about COVID-19 is available through the New Jersey Department of Health at nj.gov/health.
For all Union County programs and services visit ucnj.org, call the Public Info Line, 877-424-1234, email info@ucnj.org or use the online Contact Form.
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