Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi advises residents with overseas travel plans that the U.S. Department of State is continuing to experience extended wait times for processing passport renewals and new passport applications.
“There has been a dramatic increase of people traveling this summer with a concurrent increase in passport applications,” said Joanne Rajoppi. “In addition, before you make travel plans, please be sure to check the expiration date on your passport. Most countries will not admit travelers with passports that will expire within six months, so be sure that your renewal is completed before the six-month period begins.”
The State Department is experiencing a wait time of 10-13 weeks for passport renewals and 7-9 weeks for expedited renewals. The same waiting period applies to new passport applications.
Residents can make an appointment online for the Elizabeth or Westfield office, with several options including daytime, evening and Saturday hours. This service is available in person and by appointment only.
The County Clerk’s main office is located in the Union County Courthouse, located at 2 Broad Street in Elizabeth and the annex office is located in the Colleen Frasier Building, at the Union County Complex, located at 300 North Avenue East in Westfield.
Passport photos are also available at both offices for a minimal fee of $10.00 each. To make an appointment at either location, please visit www.ucnj.org/county-clerk/passport-services/ and click “Make an Appointment Online.”
For the latest updates on passport wait times at the State Department, and for additional details about renewing or obtaining a U.S. passport, visit travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports.
The Union County Clerk is authorized to accept passport applications and forward them to the State Department for processing. For more information about the County Clerk’s passport service, visit online at ucnj.org/county-clerk/passport-services or call 908-527-4966.
For more information about all County Clerk programs and services, visit online at ucnj.org/county-clerk or call 908-527-4787.