The Union County Board of County Commissioners invites non-profit organizations to attend a free professional development workshop titled “Build Your Audience with Social Media,” on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., presented on Zoom by Jessica Maarek,founder of Red Root Marketing.
“In today’s digital age, social media has emerged as a vital tool for non-profits to connect with their communities and propel their organizations to new heights,” said Commissioner Chairman Sergio Granados. “Social media serves as a gateway to developing stronger community bonds, and this workshop is the key to unlocking its full potential. I encourage non-profits to seize this opportunity and join us.”
Participants will learn ways to use social media to connect with their community to benefit their organizations in multiple ways. The workshop will show how to use a Community Map, and how to create compelling content and ads to meet fundraising goals, increase audiences and draw participants to events.
Red Root Marketing deploys efficient, effective, grassroots and hyperlocal techniques to create social-media marketing campaigns for small businesses and nonprofits in New Jersey.
Organizations eligible for funding from Union County’s Local Arts Grant (LAP), History Grant, and HEART Grant are encouraged to participate. Other non-profit organizations located in New Jersey are also welcome to attend.
Organizations who are interested in attending this webinar can register at https://ucnj.org/social-media-webinar/.
This workshop is coordinated and hosted by the Union County Office of Cultural & Heritage Affairs. The event is made possible by funds from the Union County Office of Cultural & Heritage Affairs, a partner of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.
For more information, contact the Union County Office of Cultural & Heritage Affairs, a division of the Department of Parks and Recreation, at culturalinfo@ucnj.org or 908-558-2550.