In recognition of Arbor Day, the Union County Board of County Commissioners is once again partnering with the Union County Shade Tree Advisory Board to sponsor the annual Arbor Day Poetry Contest for students in Union County. The deadline for entry is March 8, 2024.
“In the rhythmic verses of poetry, we find a unique way to celebrate Arbor Day and highlight the significance of trees,” said Commissioner Chairwoman Kimberly Palmieri-Mouded. “The Arbor Day Poetry Contest invites students to weave words that capture the essence of trees, their benefits, and the harmony they bring to our environment. I encourage all students to join us in this contest.”
Participation in the Arbor Day Poetry Contest is organized through the schools. Each school in Union County has received information on entering their students in the contest. For additional information, principals and staff can contact Andrea Staten, Union County Department of Engineering, Public Works and Facilities Management at andrea.staten@ucnj.org or 908-789-3659.
The poetry contest offers students of Union County, currently enrolled in grades 4 through 8, an opportunity to obtain a greater understanding of Arbor Day by encouraging them to portray the importance of trees in the natural environment and man-made landscapes, by focusing on the benefits, beauty, and contributions of trees to our communities.
All poems received will be categorized by grade and judged. One winner will be chosen for first, second, and third place at each grade level. The winners will be invited to attend an awards ceremony on April 24th at 6:00 p.m., and will be publicly recognized by the Union County Board of County Commissioners.
“The Arbor Day Poetry Contest is a wonderful opportunity for students to express their appreciation for the vital role trees play in our lives and communities,” said Commissioner James Baker, the Commissioner Board Liaison to the Shade Tree Advisory Board. “The presence of trees significantly enhances the quality of life in our region and this contest is just another way to celebrate Arbor Day and a valuable occasion for everyone to acknowledge and appreciate the crucial role that trees play.”
Arbor Day has been a national observance since 1872, encouraging the public to plant and care for trees. This year it will be celebrated on Friday, April 26, 2024.
For quick links to all environmental programs and services hosted by Union County visit The Green Connection, www.ucnj.org/green-connection.