Public Info

PSE&G Bergen-Linden Corridor (BLC) electric transmission reliability project

During the week of April 25h, PSE&G crews will work at the following locations for the construction of the Bergen-Linden Corridor (BLC) electric transmission reliability project,

  • conduit installation on Kapkowski Road from North Ave. to Jersey Gardens Boulevard
  • conduit installation on Veterans Memorial Drive from Jersey Gardens Boulevard to Trumbull Street
  • When the conduit is complete to Trumbull Street, the crew will move to Jersey Gardens Boulevard at the intersection of Kapkowski Road and proceed on Jersey Gardens Boulevard towards Veterans Memorial Drive.
  • manhole installation on Trumbull Street at Veterans Memorial Drive
  • sewer lining on the remainder of Second Street with short runs at various intersections. Elizabeth extra-duty traffic control officers will progress with the crew and ensure the safety of the general travelling public.

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