Public Info

NY Giants join Union County in Clean Up of Warinanco Park


More than 40 people including Union County Freeholder Vice Chairman Sergio Granados, who organized the event, Freeholder Bette Jane Kowalski, retired NY Giants stars Chris Snee, Rich Seubert, Charles Way, and Deon Grant joined members of Univision AM and FM Radio, Coors Light,  Operation Rebound—The Challenged Athletes Foundation, representatives of the Elizabeth Board of Education, the County of Union and other members of the NY Giants organization in a cleanup of Warinanco Park in Elizabeth and Roselle.  Dozens of garbage bags were collected in the effort. This is the third year in a row that Vice Chairman Granados has organized a cleanup of a County Park through the Giants, Univision, and Coors Light.



Elizabeth School teacher Edward Dieguez, retired NY Giants player Charles Way,  Jessica Daniels  and Cassie Petty of the NY Giants organization, retired NY Giants players Chris Snee and Rich Seubert,  Freeholder Vice Chairman Sergio Granados, Freeholder Bette Jane Kowalski, and Amanda DiPane of the NY Giants organization.