Public Info

Union County Residents Advised on Unsolicited Voter Mailings

Union County, NJ – Have you received an unsolicited mailing that contains a Vote-by-Mail application in your name? If you have, Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi has some guidance for you.

“These mailings come from various groups, as a way to encourage registered voters to use Vote-by-Mail ballots,” explained Ms. Rajoppi. “It’s a common practice and is not prohibited by law, though it does seem to have caused some confusion. Voters have been calling my office to ask why they received the mailing.”

The mailings have been going out to voters statewide. The two groups reported to be sending the mailings are the Voter Participation Center, based in Trenton, and the Center for Voter Information, based Washington, DC. 

Typically, the mailings include the name and address of the voter. Any organization can obtain this information through a public database maintained by the New Jersey Division of Elections.

“As long as the information in the mailing is correct, it can be used to apply for a Vote-by-Mail ballot,” said Ms. Rajoppi. “However, voters should know that these mailings do not come from my office. There is no obligation to use them.”

In New Jersey, any eligible voter can use a Vote-by-Mail ballot, for any reason.

Voting by mail is a process that begins when the voter sends an application form to the County Clerk’s office.

“The application forms are widely available through state, county, and local government offices as well as online,” said Ms. Rajoppi. “If you received an unsolicited application and discarded it, you can easily obtain another one if you wish to apply for a Vote-by-Mail ballot.”

To obtain a Vote-by-Mail application form and get more details about the Vote-by-Mail process, visit the County Clerk’s elections website,, or download the free Union County Votes.

The next step in the process occurs when the County Clerk’s office reviews the application. The review includes comparing the voter signature on the application with the signature in their registration file.

When the application is approved, the County Clerk mails a personalized Vote-by-Mail ballot to the voter.

The voter then completes the process by filling in their Vote-by-Mail ballot and returning it the Board of Elections, using the envelope provided.

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